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Will going on a Computer with a virus give you the facebook virus? - Printable Version

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Will going on a Computer with a virus give you the facebook virus? - Love is the Movement - 05-09-2013 01:05 PM

I just want to know...

- Matt - 05-09-2013 01:08 PM

facebook virus? whats that?

- - 05-09-2013 01:17 PM


I'm gonna say no?

If your comp has a virus it doesn't make you more susceptible to get the "Facebook virus" what i guess your talking about are the new koobface worm variants that are in the wild on Facebook.

- Semartin - 05-09-2013 01:32 PM

never heard of it i have a viruses

- Bob S - 05-09-2013 01:47 PM

Im dealing with the same problem, or I was.
I tried norton and nod32,
But they all did squat for my problemBut I found a good cheap AV that works way better than those bigbox brands
From there site-

"With the push of a button, MacroVirus On-Call can track down and eliminate all viruses that are currently on your computer, as well as protect your e-mail and instant messages from further threats. It will even rid your computer of spyware and adware, so you don't have to worry about annoying and dangerous pop-ups when you are trying to relax and surf the Internet."