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Feel so hopeless? Help ?:/? - Printable Version

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Feel so hopeless? Help ?:/? - Stacie - 05-09-2013 02:06 PM

okay I got bullied at school by the way I am 13 years old, anyways,i got bullied at school, by this kid who does karate , i went to the head master about 3 times a day everyday of the week,but now im home schooled,i also got threatend at school,threatend to get beat up, i got scared,then my mum and dad took me out of school, ive been home schooled for about 5 months now, and i keep feeling lonely,sad,feel like dissapearing, and I posted a picture of myself on twitter,and facebook,and I made it private so the bully could not see it , but then my so called friends started commenting on it saying ' eww ugly,cow,fat,etc. all horrible names,and please do not say 13 year old should not have facebook,it was my sisters facebook account she is 17 years old,and i have my friends on her account and my pics on her account,anyways, i fee like cuttting,people say this isent the best answer i know it isent, but what can i do,my parents dont be mean to me,but i just feel soooo sad,and just want to die,somewhere , please help,thanks

- Daniel - 05-09-2013 02:07 PM

Don't cut.

- Otto - 05-09-2013 02:21 PM

Take up karate yourself. Develop a fighting spirit. You are running and hiding instead of fighting back. Fear is ruining your life. Find your courage!

- Tori J - 05-09-2013 02:29 PM

Don't cut but find someone you can talk to, or find some kind of hobby you love to do to keep things off your mind(:

- Kim - 05-09-2013 02:46 PM

I know it's horrible and hard and you are in a rubbish situation but you will be ok. Life is difficult and often throws you into rubbish situations but you will get through it and be all right. Your parents have done a good thing by taking you out of school and home schooling you as you are no longer in the bully's firing line. If you are feeling alone maybe look at joining a club which isn't associated with your school so you don't have to worry about seeing people who you don't want to see. If you've got an older sister talk to her she might be able to make you feel better.
Ignore your so called friends if they are calling you that as they are the ugly people not you, I know it's hard as you don't want to be on your own but you sound like a nice person so i'm sure although it will initially be hard, you will be able to make new friends.
Try and arrange things that you can look forward to so you're not feeling like you've got nothing. Talk to your parents and sister about being down as they will be able to help you and then they'll be aware of your situation and be more sympathetic to you.
Just don't forget that you are a good person, you are young and you've got your whole life ahead of you! Your teenage years are hard as it's rubbish growing up but you're going to be fine.
Listen to this video it might make you feel better about yourself-
Good luck, don't forget to smile and you'll get through this, don't listen to nasty people as they are only being nasty because they are jealous.

Chin up sweetie Smile x

- pokemondude15 - 05-09-2013 02:56 PM

Cutting yourself won't solve anything it will just bring more pain and your parents will just worry, people have to deal with bullies a lot, the best thing to do is avoid them and tell a teacher, transfer to another school, and start taking up karate, and as for the friend that called you names, ignore them, block them from your sisters account and stop hanging around them, just ignore them, they are just names, that doesn't make them true, find a hobby something you love and are passionate about, something that makes you happy, that keeps you calm, and possibly see if there is some sort of activity program or vouleenteer work or something around it, you might make some new friends and it help take your mind off things, bad things happen in life and you will encounter some not so nice people, but you can't let them get you down, you need to try to find a way to face them or just walk away and ignore them, they are not worth it, they are just another bully you will probably never see again in a couple years, don't let what they say get to you, be confident with yourself, live your life, try to make the most out of it and be happy, live life and try to face the struggles, be strong and just ask for help, good luck and hope i helped

- Scream - 05-09-2013 03:10 PM

Hi Smile

Have you ever wondered why people are so cruel towards ?
Why do they want you to fail ?
Why are they even trying to brake you ?
Imagine you have a tableau, a very beautiful painting. Then you show your tableau to people you show your work to them. But those people are weak and they got jealous , they don't want you to be better than them and they know that you are already better, they know they are weak they can never paint as you paint, so they begun dishonestly and in a disgusting stupid attempt to devalue your work hoping to discourage you manipulating you to think that you don't have any talent to doubt your skills and yourself and therefore stop painting and drawing.

You see what they have done, they are weak their bullies towards you means that they feel that you are better than that you are a threat to them, that's a guarantee.
Ugly weak people want to destroy what's beautiful. And beautiful people want to build and transform what's ugly into beauty.
So ask yourself here, are you the one who tries to destroy or the one that is under attempts to be destroyed ? that way you'll find out that you are better than what they want you to think of yourself.

You are a good painter, you can draw what ever you want, and those weak people they can try to destroy all your paintings but they can never stop you drawing, and therefore you'll be the winner and the best and the bravest.

In fact what does not kill you and break you, makes you stronger than ever.
You'll be strong and you will win. You don't even have to fight. Your Resistance is your Victory.