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Facebook Security Message Spam? - Printable Version

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Facebook Security Message Spam? - Rachel - 05-09-2013 05:26 PM

Ok, so I posted a picture on facebook earlier and an hour later I receive a message from one of my friends that said this:

Faƈėbøøĸ Sėƈuríƚy
Our security sуstem detects suspicious activity on your аccount that violates the Тerms of Serviсe (TOS) for making posts that contain pornography, contempt, hatred, threaten, incite, violence, violations of сopyrights or contains nudity.
Please сonfirm your Fаcebook account immediately if you feel there has been a mistake. If you do not сonfirm, our system will automatically disable your Faсebook acсount.
Please сonfirm your fасebook acсount on the following link:
Thank you for helping improve our service. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Faсеbооk Securitу Team
Faсеbооk © 2012 Cоpyrіght Nеtwоrk Inс.

Then his profile picture and name changed to Faƈėbøøĸ Sėƈuríƚy and then a few mins later I received the message again from another friend and the same thing happen to her profile picture and name. Is this a spam or are these people really trying to get my photo removed? Thanks!

- me - 05-09-2013 05:30 PM

Fake. Delete it.

- Apple - 05-09-2013 05:33 PM

It is fake. I also received that.

- chubbyrose558 - 05-09-2013 05:45 PM

Hey that's fake. I also received that type of message once. I instantly reported that "Faƈėbøøĸ Sėƈuríƚy" profile for spamming me. You should do that too. Smile

- Dora - 05-09-2013 05:58 PM

Fake, you should delete it