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should i get facebook behind my parents back? - Printable Version

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should i get facebook behind my parents back? - Amy - 05-09-2013 06:54 PM

I'm 13 and everyone i know has facebook, my parents wont let me have it but i'm a bit scared to do it behind their backs, any tips on how to persuade them if not?

- Jordan Young - 05-09-2013 07:00 PM

I know 10 year olds who have Facebook. I got one when I was 11. You should do it.

- sweetiepie - 05-09-2013 07:10 PM

Facebook is a place where everyone publish there perfect lives or what they want one to assume is a perfect life...its a place for bragging and boosting about what you have and how much it cost and how perfect your world is. Its a place where men go to cheat on there women and where women go to cheat on there men...It a place where bullies go to bully their prey...Its a book of lies, deceit, self absorption, adultery, ignorance, envy, jealousy, bragging, and betrayal that we all must face. Thus the name facebook!

- knrjinsa - 05-09-2013 07:13 PM

Aside from agreeing to give your parents your FB password so that they can monitor your account, I don't think you have many good options. I don't know what their specific reasons are for not wanting you to have an account, so it's hard to offer any more useful advice.

Doing it behind their backs is not likely to help you earn their trust or demonstrate maturity. Bad idea.

Edit: It's also a place where everyone's grammar and spelling is as bad as SweetiePie's. Smile

- HAL - 05-09-2013 07:25 PM

Well, first ask yourself if you know ANY family(close or not) that have Facebook's. If they do, don't do it behind your parents back. Even if you aren't friends with your family members on Facebook, they can still search you up. Your friend's parents could mention it to your parents too, if they have one. You'd also have to tell ALL of your friends not to mention it to anyone. Personally, I don't think it's a good idea to do it behind your parents'd feel really guilty. If security is an issue, tell your parents that you can protect your Facebook with low, medium, or high lock. This protects your profile. Good luck persuading them!!Smile

- carina - 05-09-2013 07:36 PM

if i were you, this is coming from a Facebook addict, I just wouldnt bother getting into it in the first place to be honest, its so addictive Sad I look at mine so many hours of the day doing pointless stalking and messaging people.

look at these articles;