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What should u say to a mean txt from a frnd? - Printable Version

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What should u say to a mean txt from a frnd? - Bo - 05-09-2013 07:25 PM

Hi guys. I never posted or anything before so a little nervous. I got a anymore because she doesn't like me that I will loose all my close friends,problem with someone who I thougHt was a good friend. She basic said that I always put her down and never make an effort ad make her feel dumb all the time and that she doesn't think being friends means anything to me. I'm pretty shocked and I have no idea what to say. I don't think I've done the things she said but we are in a very close group so I can't really talk to any of the girls about it. Any thoughts on what I should write back or do? I'm worried if we're not friends because she doesn't like me the I will loose all my close friends in the group.

- CABby New Year! - 05-09-2013 07:35 PM

say "you're right...and everyone else hates you too" This way you can undermine and divide her little social network.

- David - 05-09-2013 07:47 PM

That happened to me too! Best thing to do is to apologize for being so down. Say you'll miss her and tell her all the things you like about her. Also mention that you're willing to do what you have to do to fix the relationship. Good luck!

- Tammy - 05-09-2013 07:52 PM

you should ask her why she feels this way...and explain to her that anything that you have done or said was not intended to make her feel badly about her self.

- hippyJipson - 05-09-2013 07:56 PM

i think a good start for replying would be "I'm really sorry, i promise i didn't intend to make you feel this way, i do value our friendship even if im bad at showing it, i don't think that you are dumb, i may just sometimes not think about what i say and how it may come across, i really do want to be friends with you and i hope you can forgive me i'll try to be a better friend if you would still like to be friends with me"

feel free to change it up

- Maci - 05-09-2013 08:01 PM

Totally agree with the person Above me Smile

- imad - 05-09-2013 08:18 PM

If I where in ur place I would try to communicate with her and understand whats going on u might find out she is right with what she saying fron her point of view , so u can bith discuss the wrong that happened