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Would it be creepy to message him on facebook? - Printable Version

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Would it be creepy to message him on facebook? - Gia - 05-10-2013 03:55 AM

There's this guy that used to work at the hospital, I never had a chance to talk to him but I found out his name through some nurses there. Really attractive guy..and he would always smile at me as he was passing by. So I ran into him at his new job 2 weeks ago and he helped me find what I needed. I wanted to make small talk but I got too nervous. I went back again like a week and a half later, he was there, but again I chickened out. I don't wanna go back a third time and embarrass myself so I found him on Facebook. Problem is he does.t know I got his name from the hospital about a year I'm wondering if he would think I was a creep if I messaged him to ask him out.

- quantum - 05-10-2013 04:09 AM

its actually cute

- Molly - 05-10-2013 04:14 AM

eh i'd friend request him first at least and then talk to him before asking him out
you never know he could have a gf or somethng already

- Bored Housewife - 05-10-2013 04:27 AM

Message him to say hi. Start up a casual friendship first before you ask him out. It's not weird that you know his name if you both worked together. You could mention that you know him from the hospital and want to keep in touch. Seeing him the other day reminded you about him, so you looked him up. Dont just jump right to asking him out, or he will think you are just offering sex. Unless that *is* what you are offering.

- Helen - 05-10-2013 04:41 AM

He would probably find it creepy, especially if you've barely spoken, or he doesn't know your name.
You may well be just as likely to embarrass yourself by adding him, than you would by just going back to the hospital. I would make up a plausible excuse and don't chicken out this time! Get to know him properly in person before you think about adding him on Facebook.