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If he really thought that I was STALKING him, why would he act like THIS? - Printable Version

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If he really thought that I was STALKING him, why would he act like THIS? - Lebany - 05-10-2013 04:34 AM

I posted this and some of you said that he probably thinks that I am a stalker. That doesn't make sense. If he did, why would he ever reply to me? Why would he start sending all these tweets about him being sad when I stopped messaging him? Why would he stay up till 3-5AM his time when thats the time that I message at and why would he also message at the same time when I do or start shortly after I write something?

Here was my original question:
There is a celebrity that i have been following on Twitter for a few years now. I met him on Twitter when he was popular but didn't really have a following at that time. He's gained more popularity since and has a bigger following now. Anyhow, when I met him he would flirt with me and reply to my twitter messages. Then as he became more popular, he grew distant and hardly ever replied. I wasn't surprised and I also got too busy to message so I left it. He was a lot more active when I messaged him, but when I took a break, his activity also dropped. When I came back, he became more active again. He is married to a woman who he got pregnant with before marriage. Recently, I made a comment to which he took offence and he blocked me so I couldn't message him. Then I made another account and after a few weeks, he blocked me again. He never blocks anyone - not even the people that swear at him. Finally, I stopped messaging him at all then he started sending all of these depressed sad messages about him being lonely and updating his status quoting songs like Elvis's are you lonesome tonight do you miss me tonight. I'm not going to lie - I like him a lot. So I finally wrote to him and asked if he was okay and said that he was really cruel to block me like that. He replied back and said that he appreciated the love and that he blocked me because he couldn't read the other messages that were being sent to him. He never replies and if he does, he does it rarely. I think this was his way of apologizing...and after I messaged him, he started sending cheerful updates again.
Is he emotionally attached to me? We live many timezones apart and he even stays up till 4 or 5AM his time to tweet when I tweet.
I disagree - this was posted here to reply to the comments and specifically address them...?
See, the point is that the responders on this section are biased. I know he's married and has a child. He knows that he's married and has a child. But that doesn't mean that people can't fall for each other. does it?

- Saralahala wawa - 05-10-2013 04:50 AM

You ARE a stalker. Don't you see it? You keep asking about him on yahoo answers, he blocked you on twitter and you opened another account to try and continue talking to him, and just because he tweeted sad stuff when you guys weren't talking you are assuming he MUST have something to do with you??? You need to find yourself a real life boyfriend and move on already. What you are doing is not healthy or normal at all sweetie.

- Corina - 05-10-2013 04:57 AM

wow .......... its time to move on, hes married and has a child .............

- BILL - 05-10-2013 05:06 AM

It sounds like he is bored!!!

- Jayden - 05-10-2013 05:20 AM

Do you not realize how crazy this post sounds?? You are stalking him, stop, he is married with a CHILD, stop trying to be a home wrecker. He is not attached to you. It is women like you who destroy happy marriages, stop it stop it stop it. Find a single man, one local to you. GEEz!

- ? - 05-10-2013 05:26 AM

I commented on this original question.

Hun, people can still fall for each other anytime, but it's important to remember your morals. Although he may like talking to you, he has a family, and it's probably more important to him to stick by his family through thick and thin.

Find something that can be more of a priority in your life than messaging twitter follower.