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How can I get more people to read my blog? - Printable Version

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How can I get more people to read my blog? - Payton - 05-10-2013 05:21 AM

I write poems, and I just want to know how I can get more people to read them. They may not be the best in the world, but I have been told that I am pretty good at writing them. Any tips you have, feel free to tell me. My blog is

- john - 05-10-2013 05:24 AM

I too started out with blogs. You first have to find your target market. Do you just want to get the word out or are you trying to make an income with the blog?

The more targeted your market the better your results of readers. My blog for example is about Usher's Syndrome which is a deaf/blind condition that I have. Because this is so specific it makes it easier for people to find it in the search engine.

Utilize social media as much as you can. Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, all of it. This is what will drive the traffic once you have a big fanbase.

- Ernest - 05-10-2013 05:40 AM

read this or search google for "get more blog traffic"


- meshouldbehumble - 05-10-2013 05:43 AM

Put your poems on these sites and put a link in the end, send the readers to your blog.

also ping your poems

make a picture of your written poem share it on facebook and twitter.