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Do You Think I Should Go to His Birthday Party? He shows interest in me sometimes, but then ignores me. 10pts? - Printable Version

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Do You Think I Should Go to His Birthday Party? He shows interest in me sometimes, but then ignores me. 10pts? - Jae - 05-10-2013 05:29 AM

A month ago I got a random facebook message from a guy I met in college. We exchanged numbers over fb and have been texting on and off ever since. (He even texted me once asking if I wanted to go to dinner with him, but I was too busy unfortunately since I own a small business.) When I see him randomly we’ll hug, and he’ll compliment my clothes and jewelry.

HOWEVER, for the past two weeks he’s been texting me first and when I’d respond he wouldn’t answer me. Then he’d text me many days later apologizing and claiming he was “feeling antisocial/tired/working, etc. But once when I checked his twitter, I saw that he had made plans to chat with a girl online after work. He texted me early the next morning apologizing about how he was SO tired after work, and went to bed right away, which wasn’t true.

He ignored my last text to him for 7 days (when he texted *me* first) BUT THEN, he texted me on Christmas morning at 8:00am apologizing for his late replies, claiming it was because of work/feeling anti-social. He wished me a merry Christmas, and I texted him back hours later and wished him a good one as well. Yesterday he texted me saying that we "had to discuss DJango. We HAVE to." Since both saw it on Christmas (separately). I didn’t reply. TODAY he made a "Birthday Event" on Facebook, and invited me. Confused I haven't responded to it yet and I'm really considering not going due to what's been going on between us for the past month, but also because I don't have any means of getting there. (We live in different cities and by bus it would take me +2 hours.) What do you think I should do? And would you go to his party??

- Miss - 05-10-2013 05:35 AM

I would have, if it was closer!

Personally, I honestly don't think it's worth it to go to a birthday party 2 hours away from me when I've just been in contact with that person for a month.
You could, if you have other things to do at that city. For example, if you have other friends you could also visit them and go sightseeing. But I really don't think it's worth the hassle to travel 2 hours on public transport if you are only going for the party.

- Abby - 05-10-2013 05:41 AM

dont go, he's playing hard to get and so should you

- Cameron - 05-10-2013 05:49 AM

The guy obviously doesnt know what he wants. If you arent perturbed by the fact he probably talks to other girls and you are willing to just be friends with him, go to the party! If you dont want to be his friend because he is slightly deceptive, don't go. If i were you, personally, I wouldn't go.

- Arielle - 05-10-2013 05:52 AM

How many more times are you going to ask this question? You're becoming obsessed over a guy that lies to you, makes you feel bad, and talks to other girls behind your back when he told you he was going to sleep. Do you like the sound of being with someone who lies to you and hits on multiple girls? You are just asking for trouble with this guy. Plus all these mind games with texting. How much time have you spent in person to get to know each other, not just hugging, complimenting/sweet-talking? Honestly.

There are red flags here. He has you wrapped around his finger among other girls at the same time. Not that you're going to listen to me, and keep asking this question instead. I hope that eventually you'll see that he is totally transparent and not worth your time if he messes around like this. Why not move on and find someone who's the real thing, committed to you and makes you happy?