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How could I talk to this guy? Would it be weird if I added him on Facebook? - Printable Version

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How could I talk to this guy? Would it be weird if I added him on Facebook? - Tianda - 05-10-2013 07:55 AM

I used to like this guy a lot a few years ago and he used to like me too but he graduated and went to a different highschool as I do now.. I never really stopped liking him but it was hard to keep up strong feelings when i stopped being able to see him and talk to him. A few weeks ago i saw him while walking to my friend's house and he kept staring at me. Lately I've been thinking about us when we were younger and I think I started thinking about him and liking him more. I used to have him as friend on Facebook but he cleaned out his list and deleted me along with many other people. Would it be weird if I added him on Facebook again? I want to start talking to him again but I don't know if he'd think I'm creepy or annoying. I also don't know if he likes someone else or not. Any advice?

- thomchez - 05-10-2013 08:07 AM

Ask him if he wants to be friends on facebook? If he friends you or not, it will give you your answer.

- Erica - 05-10-2013 08:16 AM

Yes, add him! Then u can start randomly chatting, and then who knows

- Yeaaahh budddy - 05-10-2013 08:19 AM

Kids these days. You saw him in person but ran to the computer to try to talk to him? Wtf?

- Emily - 05-10-2013 08:32 AM

It's perfectly fine to add him on facebook, if he doesn't accept within a few days you can always go to his profile and un-send the friend request to save yourself fromembarrassmentt. If he accepts and you have the guts you could just chat him when he's online and say something along the lines of "Hey, i saw you the other day. It's been ages, what've you been up to? (:" or if you aren't game enough, doing something like liking one of his pictures might spark up an interest of you.