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Could I be a model? Im 5 8 130...? - Printable Version

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Could I be a model? Im 5 8 130...? - JaDeDxCalCuLaTeD - 05-10-2013 08:38 AM

Im pretty ripped. I swear I look like those guys from underwear ads. My eyes are hazel. A girl posted on her facebook that she needed models. I volunteered. I said i have a 6 pack and everything and she said I know your really fit. So me her and another guy are going to be at a studio shes going to rent next week. Any ideas on how this might go? I knew her in high school but we never talked. Shes cute as hell but has a bf. Should i just go and model for free? Would it be a fun afternoon? Or is this just weird??

- Elle♌ - 05-10-2013 08:50 AM

Yeah I'm a part time model and my career started by doing free catwalk shows for agencies in shopping centres and free photoshoots an soon I got signed by my current agency! Doing this will help you have an insight however your abit short for a male on the modelling side (minimum 6'1) but you can still grow!

- Mayland - 05-10-2013 09:03 AM

I think that U can make the best of it

- xpatinasia - 05-10-2013 09:12 AM


- Toyota - 05-10-2013 09:18 AM

i think you should go for it.....this can help you for a modelling career for future...
would have been better if you attached your pic along with the question.... all the very best!!! Smile)

- Rosemary - 05-10-2013 09:22 AM

yeah sure