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Should I join my boyfriend in looking at sex sites? - Printable Version

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Should I join my boyfriend in looking at sex sites? - Curious - 10-12-2012 01:29 PM

My boyfriend is currently on deployment so we are not able to have sex right now. He is a VERY sexual person, as am I. I really do not have a problem with him looking at sites (as long as he doesn't do anything with anyone ha ha). He has a profile that he uses to check out various different sex sites on social media websites where he can communicate with others about his fantasies and stuff. I have checked out the sites and some of them are pretty hot, but I will not add them to my profile because my family can see it, and in my opinion that is something my parents DO NOT have ot see! My question is, do you think it would be weird for me to join these sites under a different profile? I would obviously let my boyfriend know that it was me, and that I am not on there snooping, but that I am on there for my own entertainment and to see exactly what he wants so that I can fulfil those fantasies when he comes home. Any advice is much appreciated!

- danechip - 10-12-2012 01:37 PM

No reason why not, go for it girl.


- Hondaman - 10-12-2012 01:37 PM

Ha ha ha ha ha! Do you live your whole life in denial and fantasy? If he's as "sexual" as you say he is, he's getting some, somewhere and before long, you will be too.

Who are you trying to kid?

- Stopthedrugs - 10-12-2012 01:37 PM

so this is why im put of drugs i have to read this lame question and the homo answer from hondaman...
oh god thanks
really thats my life? thanks lord your rescued me and gave this world to me, thank you thank you much. your drugs enriched my life thanks.. thanks thanks thanks.....

- Douglas - 10-12-2012 01:37 PM

Some guys would love to have a partner like you, I suggest trying it and If he tells you to stop then stop, if not it could lead to some amazing things.

- Jezzikah - 10-12-2012 01:37 PM

I think it's more weird that he's going to other people/sites for this and not you...stop lying to yourself, If he wanted to do this kind of stuff with you he would actually be talking to you about it not someone else....

Why should you have to make a fake account to snoop on these sites to find out what he wants??

All you are doing is letting him openly look for another female to replace you or cheat on you with..Stop lying to yourself and get some self respect.