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High Schoo Reunions...Attend or Not and Why? - Printable Version

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High Schoo Reunions...Attend or Not and Why? - D R - 05-10-2013 04:24 PM

I was a popular kid in school and I had a great time and have wonderful memories. I went to my 10 year reunion and had fun and enjoyed seeing everyone, but I have had no interest in attending any of the others. I’ve only remained friends or in contact with one person, occasionally running into a person here or there, since high school and no one else, not because I didn’t care about them it’s just that we all went our different ways and for those of you old enough, you know how it goes/is.

Someone just checking email addresses for a reunion being planned for next year just recently contacted me. She was friendly and asking the usual 3rd degree type questions, which I only partially answered. I wasn’t trying to be rude, but I figure we haven’t been in contact or in each others lives for years, it’s really none of your business. I’m kind of a private person. Due to her sending out an email checking addresses and referencing a reunion, some people have been seeking me out, usually through a family member who is on the social media sites like FB, which I don’t care to join, so their information is forwarded to.

So basically I want to know, have you ever NOT wanted to attend your high school reunion(s) and why not (other then you had a bad time in school…)? And what do you tell people if asked? What are you thoughts on not attending?
***This is a repost; to proper catagory
SAM - Thanks for the reply; If I did go (which I'm not), this would be my 30th and although I didn't need the particular tips you provided, I'm gathering you leaned the hard way ;-)?!
MoonBeam - I appreciate you replying, but you didn't even remotely answer my question(s). By the way, I was the head cheerleader and I didn't get fat.

- Sam - 05-10-2013 04:28 PM

I go because my wife , who graduated with me , likes to . I must say that I have never really liked it. If you do go #1- Don't drink too much . #2- Don't flirt . #3- Keep your mouth shut.
EDIT : Last year we had our 50th . Every five years made 10 reunions . I love my wife enough to attend all , but that is it . NO MORE.

- Moonbeam - 05-10-2013 04:43 PM

DR , Life is so short . Often we find pleasure in social activities . Some enjoy the interaction at a nightclub or bar . Some go to church . Others shoot the poop and laugh with their co-workers .
The one thing in common at school was (adolescence ) . Reunions are a chance to visit our youth .
A chance to remind an old buddy about the time he got drunk and stuck his arm up an elaphants butt.
A chance to see if head cheer leader got fat , or find out how many kids the gay person has .
I look at it this way ::: If I have nothing better to do that day , and the price is right , why not have a little social activity . Go DR , you can always leave right after they clear the plates .