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Cant seem to get over him..? - Printable Version

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Cant seem to get over him..? - Renae - 05-10-2013 04:43 PM

ok.. so like the title says i cant seem to get over my ex.. Iv tried everything to try and get over him.. Talked about it with him.. My friends.. Went and got counciling.. not even time has helped.. he was the first guy and what feels like the last guy i actually fell inlove with.. and shared so much with.. And I know i should get over him.. move on and find someone else.. I did.. And he treats me like a queen and i adore him but once he's gone and left im stuck.. thinking about my ex.. All over again.. Any suggestions?

- Jimmy Williams - 05-10-2013 04:51 PM

The only thing i can tell you is Time. Only time can heal wounds from the heart.

- Caitlin - 05-10-2013 04:52 PM

My first is also my sons dad and I will never love anyone the way I loved him because he was my first. I've accepted the fact that I will always love him but it doesn't mean I wanna be with him ever again ill just always have a place for him in my heart. I think you are feeling the same. Just accept that noone will replace your first but you will feel a different long lasting love again with someone else

- island.alchemy - 05-10-2013 04:57 PM

You are idealising him. This is when everything about him is perfect when reality tells us that no one is perfect. This happens when you aren't actually experiencing his real self only the fantasy in your head. Fantasy is fiction, take a reality check. Many blessings to you.

- jsn00 - 05-10-2013 04:59 PM

I can sort of relate to you. I was completely in love with my ex and it seemed as I would never ever get over her. A year and a half passed and nothing worked, I tried moving on, tried telling her about it, talked it out with friends. I used to tell everyone that with time, everything will be fine but for me it never worked. The moment I realized her smile was being brought by another person was when it actually hit me and I decided to rethink my life and just move on. It honestly isn't easy, as I'm sure you know but you can get through it. But if you think way too much time has passed and still nothing changed then you'll have to see if you can make it work with him. And maybe give your current guy the respect of letting him find someone who fully loves him. You aren't doing anything wrong at all, it's just your heart isn't done with your first and may never be. Just be real with yourself and try to do what makes you happy. Personally, I lost all contact with my ex, from social media to even anything that made me think about her, I changed my group of friends, and started fresh just to not have anything that reminded me of her and helped me finally peacefully move on. And that worked for me and I actually feel much freer than I used to be. Goodluck with whatever choice you make, just know you aren't alone and "time," no matter how much the line is used, is ALWAYS the key to getting over someone.