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Do you think society has become desensitized to caring about each other? - Printable Version

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Do you think society has become desensitized to caring about each other? - Kimberly - 05-10-2013 05:41 PM

I'm honestly becoming really discouraged about my generation (I'm 18). Every time I go on any social media, I constantly see people tossing around the phrases "go die" or "kill yourself." Does no one realize how valuable a life is and how much those words could affect someone? Even in you hate the person, there is someone in that person's life that would be devastated if the person you said go die to actually took your words to heart. You might be kidding, but not every one understands that.

I've seen so much negativity lately that it's honestly just affecting me. I can't even begin to understand how someone could be so horribly mean to someone else. There was this one post on Facebook about a girl who killed herself and every one just commented on it saying how stupid she was and how she deserved to die. She was only like 13! People have become so used to people dying that they don't even care when a young life is gone, and only want to put their two cents in on how she shouldn't have done this or that.

Maybe I'm too sensitive and need to get a grip, but this all just hurts me so much how horrible people are to each other. Anyone else with me?
If you actually took the time to read this, thank you for listening to my little rant.

- As it should be - 05-10-2013 05:43 PM

people do not care as much what comes out of their mouths, they see it as censorship, political correctness, infringment on 1st admendment rights.
We should be more aware of how our words effect other people. That is true self discipline.

Additional: I've only seen one fight that didn't start first with words.

- Shelly - 05-10-2013 05:48 PM

Yes, society became highly desensitized because of the growing ego.

- Penguin - 05-10-2013 05:59 PM

First, there is no one society. There are many societies in the world. American society (I'll assume that you're American) is just one of them. Some cultures do not reek of insensitivity like yours does because it has been instilled into people's psyches throughout countless generations that being polite and respectful is the way to be, and this is the way people are naturally. On the other hand, the US has many many fine people, many dedicated people in helping professions, and many who feel the same way you do about about how ugly their society has become. There is a huge population of Americans who strive to help others in their own way, are truly loving to families, and who would be true friends if you got to know them. Don't give up.

One quick story: I taught English in China, and the president of my school loved America because his son was an exchange student in a small city there, got very sick to the point of needing a lot of blood plasma...the word got out, and Americans were lining up around the block by the hospital to help this Chinese kid who they didn't even know. Never would have happened in China. But Chinese people were the friendliest people I ever met. You just never know what's going on deep down in a society, but the US has so many rude, boorish weak links, that it does make you think.