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Tips on how to get noticed? - Printable Version

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Tips on how to get noticed? - livelypoison522 - 05-10-2013 06:40 PM

I make and sell these Mustache Clocks on etsy:

How can I get it noticed more on etsy and other places online? I'm already using Etsy's search ads. Any other tips/ideas? Thanks!

- Bla - 05-10-2013 06:53 PM

more clevage

- Rheanna - 05-10-2013 07:00 PM

You should try facebook..
Send it into the Page Hipster memes and get them to share it with a photo of one of the clocks..
Hipsters love this moustache thing thats going on..
Maybe give that a go?
You should also try out other pages on facebook too(:

- Samantha - 05-10-2013 07:10 PM

Try selling them on Cafe Press.