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Is it strange that I don't want to do unnatural things like shave my legs? - Printable Version

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Is it strange that I don't want to do unnatural things like shave my legs? - Laura - 05-10-2013 06:50 PM

I'm a girl and all the other girls I know in my school shave their legs and pluck their eyebrows and wear makeup and wear really feminine clothes, and I really don't want to. It's partly that I can't be bothered or feel insecure about my body to wear girls clothes, but it's mainly because i don't want to 'give in' to society and be all feminine just because its in the media. Im not into dating although I do get crushes, and I don't want a guy to like me just because I look feminine, like how they see on tv and everywhere else.
My mum and dad say I don't have to do that stuff but I sometimes get bullied because of it, and I just wish that girls aren't 'supposed' to be like that. I barely have any feminine characteristics, it's just my personality. Anyway, does any one feel the same way? Is this normal or should I just quit talking and go be like every other girl? Thanks.

- Jen - 05-10-2013 06:52 PM

Who cares. Don't you want to have smooth legs anyway?

- Schmetter Ling - 05-10-2013 06:55 PM

Yes, it's strange. But understandable, given your reasoning. If that's how you want to live your life, do so but be prepared to be ostracised and met with hostility. People don't like it when someone thinks differently to them.

- Super Sock - 05-10-2013 07:06 PM

Maybe you're a hobbit.

- halorays - 05-10-2013 07:08 PM

I dont shave my legs, because body hair is natural and it doesn't bother me. Its okay to not shave. Its okay to dress how you wanna dress. Stay true to yourself.

- Jens - 05-10-2013 07:21 PM

It's not strange. It's a normal part of puberty. I didn't want to shave for years. Then I did for a while, but once I could grow a proper beard I stopped doing it again.

However, regarding the clothing. Would you be attracted to a dude who refuses to wear men's clothing? It's not a social rule, but something to remember if/when you decide you want attention from men.

Regarding the shaving of legs. If you live in America, that's kind of a big deal. Being from Germany, however, I would say I couldn't bring myself to give a shit.

Are you sure it's about not giving in as much as about being afraid that someone might find you ridiculous for trying?

Because they won't.

- melodiccelery137 - 05-10-2013 07:25 PM

I don't shave my legs during Winter shhhh!!!

lol seriously though, no one cares.

Just do what you want to do because its your body!

I don't pluck my brows because it hurts, I don't wear heels because it hurts (I don't feel productive at work when I'm prancing around in them so I wear cute flats instead)

I do however shave down there because I like the look and feel of it Tongue
But I do it for me, not because its 'expected'

Go forth and live your life!

- darin88 - 05-10-2013 07:40 PM

It's a free country, so do as you like. Just make sure you give others that same courtesy. They don't have to like or approve of you or what you are doing. And, men certainly don't have to be attracted by hairy, masculine looking women.

Your body is no different than anything else in life. A lot of people don't want to wash their cars, or do maintenance, etc and are ok with driving a car that looks like a beater. Same with a lot of people don't want to do the upkeep on their house and are perfectly content to live in a dump. If you don't care to do anything to make yourself more attractive, then that is long as you don't complain that people don't find you attractive.

- kyle - 05-10-2013 07:55 PM

i once dated a girl that didn't shave her legs.. she wanted me to shave my face tho...

we didn't last to long..

yes it is wired.. most guys don't like make up... most guys don't like overly girly cloths... jeans and a T is fine with 95% of guys.. what guys do like is smooth skin..

and just for the record why hire is natural .. it hold a lot of dirt and other junk it is much healthier to shave.. this is why most girls shave there legs.. why most guys shave face.. and why a lot of both shave there privets.. much cleaner and healthier to do it.. very few people do it for others

that said most guys wont put up with the hairy legs.. you can call them pigs or shallow w/e but would you date a man with a patchy beard 1/2 way down his chest?? probable not

- Mattias - 05-10-2013 08:08 PM

ehhh i shave my body.

it probably grows 10 times faster than yours so shh! do what you want.

it's nice and smooth, you can just stroke yourself to sleep it's so nice. :o