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How to talk ad get close to this guy I like? - Printable Version

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How to talk ad get close to this guy I like? - Ally - 05-10-2013 07:19 PM

So i take the tramn to school and i always see this guy he's very cute and nice and havent really talked to him much. He goes to the same school just he's a year older.And i cross.him at least once in the corridors. Hes my friend on facebook and i really like him! What should I do next? Im quite shy...

- Misha - 05-10-2013 07:21 PM

Initiate a conversation ?

- TeganGhoulScout - 05-10-2013 07:35 PM

Aww, sounds like a crush that I used to have :3

I know it sounds stupid but seriously just be yourself when you have a crush. Do what YOU think is right. It can seem scary trying to approach him but its best to do things face to face with people. I dont suggest trying to chat him up on facebook if you wouldnt do it in real life. Know what I mean?

Maybe to get his attention ask to sit next to him on the tramm or say you need more people to come to a party or be like 'I always bump into you'. Idk thats just what Ive done when Ive had crushes.

But yeah, be yourself. You dont want him to start liking you if youre trying to be someone youre not.

I hope this makes sense, good luck! Xx