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How Have Social Attitudes Regarding Religion Changed? - Printable Version

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How Have Social Attitudes Regarding Religion Changed? - Scott - 05-10-2013 08:57 PM

I am a year 12 society and culture student doing my PIP on Social Attitudes Towards Religion and How They Have Changed.

Any opinions or research that has been found or know is helpful. Personal opinions are welcome though actual legitimate information that can be backed up is preferable.

- lloyd - 05-10-2013 09:11 PM

I find most people have become irreverent when it comes to people's beliefs. There used to be a difference between not being a believer or religious person and yet respecting other people's beliefs and just going outright attacking it.

Frankly, I don't like it. I've always been of the belief that we should try to co-exist.

That's my 2 cents.

- WannaHelp - 05-10-2013 09:20 PM

Drastically. It used to be a faux paus not to go to church and believe in God and be catholic and what not. Probably more than just a faux paus. Now it's the exact opposite. People bash Christianity and it's become more or less 'made fun of'

- Fred XX00 I - 05-10-2013 09:36 PM

Before they didn't have the Bible and now we have the Bible and others copy the Bible or some of it anyway and go with that much. a christian is the way to go a christina is a person who accept Jesus in their heart.

- Fireball - 05-10-2013 09:40 PM

satan is a downer and millions are listening to his horrible negative thoughts....GOD IS STILL ON HIS THRONE REGARDLESS..

- Spamswers - 05-10-2013 09:49 PM

Well, something that is quite obvious that the general mindset has changed a lot. The bias is strong in this area. While the media and culture encourage the masses to accept or tolerate one religion, they also actively try to remove a different religion from the country entirely.

The common opinion towards the most predominant religion (Christianity), has changed from "We live in a nation of religious freedom" to "We live in a nation where nobody talks about their religion with other people or else they are violating the law and are morally wrong." meanwhile some people will go to the radical length of saying that things that blatantly break the law are ok as long as they follow specific religious principals of specific religions, like followers of Islam murdering their daughters because they wore a pink shirt or something silly.

- C C - 05-10-2013 10:03 PM

Personal opinion, but others may agree:

It used to be that religions were rivals of each other very openly. People who rejected gods and religion didn't really speak up because the most violence was reserved for them.

As time passed and now that the widespread use of the internet has allowed a generation of people to exchange ideas and learn new cultures, a PC culture has emerge: Love everyone.

Atheists and doubters were able to speak out safely, without fear of death or a beating in the street or parking lots across the world.

So religionists have ironically sought refuge in the cloak of PC. There is a COEXIST culture now where religionists have forgotten that just 20 short years ago, they were speaking about the other religions as if they were evil and going to die a violent death (or deserved it). They have turned their judging eyes on atheists and are now pretending it's all the atheists' fault that they are "persecuted".

In summary: religionists have turned from open bully who hates everyone but themselves, to closet bully who pretends they love other religions because atheists have made them feel silly and are pretending atheists are the bullies.

All though history, atheists have always been the bad guy even as they have been the ones receiving the brunt of violence and open bigotry.

It's always PC to make fun of an atheist.

- tim october - 05-10-2013 10:16 PM

In becoming more accepting of all religions we have lost appreciation for religion particular. Take the "coexist" concept (please); Im all for people not killing each over where you'll go when you die (is that irony?) but if you want to talk honestly and openly about faith, religion and spirituality, then you have to talk about the parts that dont work together.