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About the whole conflict with gay rights/marriage and the Church? - Printable Version

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About the whole conflict with gay rights/marriage and the Church? - Smaug The Tremendous - 05-10-2013 10:17 PM

Don't you think that it's an issue blown way out of proportion since only about 2%-4% of the population (UK) identify as LGBT?
And of this small percentage, only 30-40% have indicated that they wish to be able to marry?

I'm NOT taking a stance on the argument here - I just think it's a little bit of an overreaction and gets far too much media coverage for the amount of social impact any decision made will have.
Neither do I mean to say that people shouldn't have certain rights according to their sexual orientation, or that the Church is wrong in any way. So please don't answer with idiotic overly-defensive answers. Thanks.

- wideisland714 - 05-10-2013 10:28 PM

Honestly, before you mention the word marriage I'd like you to research Pre-Christian Greek & Roman Societies; you do realize Marriage existed long before Christianity high-jacked yet another one of Societies ideals correct?

- Lewis - 05-10-2013 10:38 PM

Considering the church is meant to be an all loving place in which all people are welcome, it seems cowardly and wrong to deny basic rights to normal human beings.

That is why there is a lot of media coverage.

- William - 05-10-2013 10:53 PM

There is no conflict. The church has nothing to say about your life if you don't want it. You and another are as married as you think you are and you don't need the percs. Only each other. Too many non-religious Americans just roll over for the church.

You know what makes me cheer--when I hear someone has burned a church to the ground. Happened in this state not long ago. I only wish I knew who did it so I could protect him.

- Martin - 05-10-2013 11:08 PM

Honestly other peoples relations unless it involves me, its their business. who or what you want to go to bed with and or mate with thats your business unless i am involved. unless you take my hand in marriage or having me walk down the isle its not my concern as to who or what you married.

- Jay - 05-10-2013 11:11 PM

Lets not forget that almost 70% of the U.K.'s population believes that same sex marriage should be allowed in multiple surveys that have been carried out.

Perhaps the reaction is being caused by people seeing that a right that to them seems so basic for people to have is being refused.

I agree - whats the big deal - allow same sex couple to participate in marriage, do what the majority believes is fair and lets just get over this ridiculous argument.

EDIT I am Australian but the outcome of these debates in the U.K. and especially America is important. As at today we have NO hope of having same sex couples being allowed marriage in Australia with a P.M. (female, Atheist and living with her BF!) who is against them and an opposition (led by a man who has a lesbian as a sister!) whose party line is that gay marriage should never be allowed. Countries like the UK and the U.S. moving towards same sex marriage will eventually produce enough leverage to over turn Australia as well. If both countries went pro same sex marriage I can guarantee we would be there within 2 years at the most.

So it also has a wider impact.

- Merlina - 05-10-2013 11:26 PM

It gets a lot of coverage because people are afraid of not having equal rights. Everyone must have equal rights, and the media flips out when a group is facing any sort of injustice. I completely support gay marriage, and I really don't care about all the coverage. The present issue is that homophobes are trying to take rights from others, which is unacceptable in our society. It's like saying French Canadians can't get married. That's a pretty small minority in the world, but no one likes to see others surprised, because they fear their own rights might be lost next.

- xxx000au - 05-10-2013 11:31 PM

You raise a legitimate point. If so few wish to do this is it really worth all the debate its generating?

On the other side of the coin, I cant understand why people are so vocal in fighting this change yet the very same people totally ignore the people who truly are not respecting marriage.

If the sanctity of marriage is such an important thing that society must reject a very small group from joining in it, why does society say nothing about the following people when they by their past actions have demonstrated no respect for this institution.

1) A person who has divorced maybe just once or maybe 100 times, divorced does not matter, they can get married yet again and again, there is no limit.

2) A person who was unfaithful to a past partner can get married.

3) A person who has been an endless drain on society can get married. (EG: lifetime unemployed/criminal)

4) A person who is in jail can get married. (to be released one day or even never to be released)

5) A person who has raped someone, be it a women, a man or even a child, they can still get married.

6)A person who has killed can get married. (even when the victim was a husband/wife)

7) A person who was once a priest can get married.

8) A person who is not in love but is required by family arrangement can get married. (in some countries)

9) A person who is about to die can get married. (Although I don't know for capital punishment)

10) A person who is an addicted illegal and legal drugs user (abuse) can get married.

11) A person who is physically and or mentally handicapped can marry.

12) A child can get married. (including to an adult, in some countries)

13) A person who already is married can get married. (in some countries)

14) A person who is sterile or has genetic problems can get married.

But the one I love most for its hypocrite value (other people saying nothing in protest) is:

15) Along with undiscovered pedophiles, also people known as a (including convicted) pedophile can still get married.

I agree that not all are of low morals, yet my point is some very much are. While some scream that marriage is special, (The sanctity of marriage and all that) none of them suggest that people in the above groups are undesirable or have questionable morals to enter into the sanctity marriage.

Which does not then paint marriage as a very moral club. In fact the silence says people who are willing to be vocal against sames ex marriage must on the other hand feel that the above are perfect candidates for marriage.

In my view, of the groups, the gays, the remarried many times, the people who have no respect for society, and the child abusers, its the gays who respect it the most.

Well I suspect I can explain their fear.
I suspect that the anti gay people know that while the cap is in place it keeps gays suppressed. Once all the bad (stigma) is stripped away, being gay is then seen as acceptable, the 2-4 % openly gay section of society will explode as more and more closet homosexuals stop hiding.
Then we will really know how many people are gay or bisexual.

- John G - 05-10-2013 11:45 PM

Churches can have there own rules, many will not marry anyone who does not live in the catchment area or who is not a regular attendee or have been divorced, in the UK Cameron has said the church will be able to refuse any wedding without fear of prosecution because of sexual orientation.