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Should Extremist Political Parties be Allowed Media Coverage? - Printable Version

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Should Extremist Political Parties be Allowed Media Coverage? - Linfan - 05-10-2013 11:24 PM

I just wanted to know how the media controls politics.

- Cosmo - 05-10-2013 11:38 PM

That's up to the individual media company.

The internet has allowed a larger forum than in the past for political crackpots.

- Happylaborer344 - 05-10-2013 11:40 PM

The media should stop treating the republic party like sane mainstream humans.

I don't think the media 'controls' politics but it certainly influences it to some extent. Virtually 100% of all major media outlets (including NPR) interviewing conservative / republic party guests accept completely dishonest premises uncontested. For example, the conservative guest asserts Social Security will be bankrupt by some certain date but the forecast is based on current statistics only (unusually high unemployment, caps on tax rates, temporary payroll deduction decrease, etc) not long term average statistics. Consequently, the interviewer then conducts the interview from an assumed "Social Security going bankrupt dilemma" basis without contest. The uncontested acceptance of the premise creates for the audience the appearance of legitimacy, for both the guest and the subject matter, and presents to the otherwise uninformed propoganda packaged as impartial and objective analysis.

- Sweet Pea - 05-10-2013 11:45 PM

Yes if they are registered as a legitimate political party. The BBC is totally biased in this respect and only allow coverage of the 3 main Parties.

- v - 05-10-2013 11:46 PM

if you want to find out more about how the media influences politics you could take a look at this:

i don't know if you're based in the uk or not, if you are, you might be fed up with hearing about the leveson inquiry, lol!

as for extremist political parties being allowed media coverage, i think that's a tricky one, we are supposed to have a free press, freedom of expression, and in that respect, i think all political parties deserve a platform to express those views. however, as i often say, if any of those views are deemed to inspire people to acts which would be considered in breach of human rights, then that privilege, that right to freedom of expression is forsaken. we are entitled to our rights and to our freedoms provided we do not encroach on the rights and freedoms of others.