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How do we gain subscribers on youtube? - Printable Version

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How do we gain subscribers on youtube? - Laurie - 10-12-2012 01:43 PM

Hello there,

You've read the title.

Our gaming channel, ( Has barely any subscribers (22) and I was wondering how on earth do we gain more?

I've already read up, you have to:

Have good content
Network with other growing/successful youtubers
use social media
put in the effort.

We've been trying all summer. We use fraps and shoot at super HD, we use good editing software, we have amazing software, our computers are good, and we have entertaining gameplay. that ticks the first box.

we HAVE been networking with other youtubers. We found other growing channels, and told them we'll subscribe to them if they subscribe to us, on the basis that they need subs just as much as we do.

We have used social media Heavily. We've launched competitions on our Facebook page and on twitter. we've linked our twitter and Facebook accounts with our youtube account so it posts/tweets whenever we upload a video.

However, this was all to no avail. no youtubers have replied or sub'd to us, we have only 4 likes on Facebook and only 1 follower on twitter.

I know you have to put in the effort (we have, believe me) and simply be patient, but we've been trying for over 3 months now.

What are we doing wrong?

- Fat - 10-12-2012 01:51 PM

Romney is buying all his subscribers, you should ask the hand full of people on wall street how they pull that scam

- Michael - 10-12-2012 01:51 PM

Flood the market physically is probably the next step. Print literature, hand them out at local outlets, be seen.

- Yonna - 10-12-2012 01:51 PM

Just advertise yourselfs on everywhere. If you have twitter, Facebook, or any other social networking sites then advertise yourselves there. You can even advertise yourselves on popular YouTube channels and videos. You have to be very persistent.

Btw can someone answer my question--->;_ylt=AqI2Bv5XSiKFEI06MKEp8jsM_dw4;_ylv=3?qid=20120903030511AAgJdEz

See I just advertised my question. Smile

- Pepper - 10-12-2012 01:51 PM

You can also use /!!! They can get you an absolute INSANE amount of views and subscribers, all "Youtube Legal" as well, no real chance at getting in trouble unless you are stupid! Go check it out!

- Loralee - 10-12-2012 01:51 PM

If you have zero subs, zero likes and zero followers you are sending the wrong message to people. You guys are saying "we are not popular". This days, to have a chance, you need to look popular by all means.

This is why I suggest social media exchange, you can gain twitter followers, youtube views and subs but also facebook likes. People will look at your content differently if they think you are slightly popular.