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Is it possible to go through life without really knowing anyone? - Printable Version

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Is it possible to go through life without really knowing anyone? - Alexis - 05-11-2013 12:38 AM

I live in the city and work in a job that requires more involvement with inanimate objects (machines, paper, computers) than live humans. It's a fairly stable job that pays the bills but gives nothing more. I have no real friends or people I can call family. The city is active till midnight but everyone lives in their own worlds.

This 'cut and dry' kind of lifestyle has got me thinking if a person can go through life knowing people for the sake of knowing but having no real deep connections with them. I do try to approach others but it always leads to awkward situations and pleasantries that ends in one of us walking away. I'm either missing the social gene or maybe the place I live in prefers its monotone shades.

Either way, I've come to realize that no one will miss me when I grow old and pass away. Not a good thought but then, everyone's mortal.

- Fantasia - 05-11-2013 12:44 AM

i think people who live like that end up committing suicide. everyone needs to have some sort of connection to someone or something. your life sounds hellishly depressing and lonely.

if you can't meet people due to the nature of your work you need to work at making connections out of work. join some groups or clubs. what do you like doing? hobbies? interests? what things are you passionate about? you need to find some things you have in common with others and build some connections.

you might be appalled at the suggestion, but have you thought about on line dating agency's? does your work have any sort of social club?

your life makes me feel sad.

- Don H - 05-11-2013 12:56 AM

Don't give up.

You sound like a thoughtful person that anyone would be lucky to have as a friend.

Keep being yourself and I'm sure that someone will notice and let their guard down.

Don't start analyzing your self looking for the problem, it isn't you.

The media paints such a distorted gloomy picture of society that many keep their guard up unnecessarily high. This has nothing to do with you at all.