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I really dream to become a photographer and I have some really good pictures help!!!!? - Printable Version

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I really dream to become a photographer and I have some really good pictures help!!!!? - Lucie - 05-11-2013 01:38 AM

I want people to know who I am I have Instagram but not many likes but I'm telling you there really good I'm a 12 year old girl help me !!!!!!! What can I do ????!?!

- screennamegorilla - 05-11-2013 01:44 AM

You're 12 and sorry but I bet they aren't as great as you've made then out to be

- Traveller - 05-11-2013 02:00 AM

Two things,

1. there are great photographers we know of
2. there are great photographers that have died in anonymity

sign up for photo sites and push your work.

- Dreamjam - 05-11-2013 02:12 AM

just keep developing your photography and keep posting it on Instagram and you'll eventually gain more followers

- Ara57 - 05-11-2013 02:15 AM

*They're, not there.*

Congratulations on finding a hobby that you can enjoy for a lifetime! Having an early start is a great thing. The way to get your work seen more is to share it more. Lots of places beside Instagram. Lots of people make free websites at places like and have a Facebook page for their photography as well. You can also enter local contests or place a picture in the local county fair.

There is no age limitation to being either good, bad or indifferent at practically any skill. It is also quite common for teen beginners at the craft to think their work is much more spectacular than it actually is. Now, you may have some amazing photos. If so, I suggest getting away from Instagram, which is mostly for teen beginners who want to annihilate any promise their photography may have had, and move them to a photo sharing site like Flickr. There are lots of groups on Flickr, you can add your photos to them, comment on other people's work and they may comment on yours in return.

And if you find that some people don't think your work is so great, you will be able to benefit from real constructive criticism and improve. There is always room to grow in this hobby of photography.

Let us see your stuff, and happy shooting!