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Do you have to own a website to use Google Adsense? - Printable Version

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Do you have to own a website to use Google Adsense? - tatereatinmic - 05-11-2013 03:26 AM

IF not, what sites can you use to put your ads on?
Do you have to create your own url sites?
Is it just like sites on myspace or facebook or something?
Do myspace and facebook allow me to ads on my page?

- Omid Farhang - 05-11-2013 03:41 AM

you can put those ads into every site or blogs you own.

- Victor - 05-11-2013 03:46 AM

You can create as many sites as you want to Adsense ..

If you are new then use free blogging services like Blogspot , Wordpress where you can put Adsense ads with your blog content..

Also your can use Adsense at other sites those share Revenue with Adsense, like , flixya , there are many sites like these where you don't want to make your own site, you can these sites profile and you can connect your adsense account using your publisher id to get revenue from Adsense...

- ho hummmmm - 05-11-2013 03:56 AM

When Adsense was first available, publishers needed to have access to a website which they controlled, that is, they needed to have their own registered domain and url. Now there are more opportunities to make money with adsense even if you don't own your own domain.

(1) Creating a free blog on Blogger. Since is owned by Google, it integrates seamlessly with Adsense. If you apply for an Adsense acct using a Blogger blog as your website, be sure you have enough content on your blog or else your application might get turned down.

(2) Adsense revenue-sharing article directories. The big 3 are Infobarrel, Xomba, and Hubpages. If you post articles on these sites, you can have your own Adsense ads displayed on the articles too and generate extra money. Plus you keep the rights to everything you write as long as it is your own unique content.

To date, Myspace and Facebook don't let you customize your pages with adsense ads (at least not the last time I tried, I haven't logged on in several months and I never used either site very much) but someone can correct me if I'm wrong.