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Am I the only one who considers this to be the most attractive quality in a woman? - Printable Version

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Am I the only one who considers this to be the most attractive quality in a woman? - Violenttable547 - 05-11-2013 03:48 AM

You know how it's almost universal that girls love to be spoiled and that they love material possessions?

I was wondering about certain things that guys view as attractive that are universal. I personally feel that displays of commitment are the most attractive thing that a woman can do in a relationship. Bragging to friends about how much they like me, posting pictures of us on social media, etc. It can be anything that demonstrates her commitment to us. Do any of you agree?

- Amara - 05-11-2013 04:04 AM

I find that to be the most attractive quality in a man... versus a man who bought me things, in regards to your other "opinion." I'm incredibly materialistic- yes, I'll admit- but I've bought every nice thing I know. I grew up poor, not knowing when I'd eat a meal again.. so no, my father did not provide. I did not grow up expecting men to provide. I provide for myself.

- Manonthemoon - 05-11-2013 04:19 AM

I agree who wouldnt want a girl whos proud to be with you.

- ashley - 05-11-2013 04:30 AM

While I agree with your sentiments, I don't think bragging to friends or posting pictures on a random media site is an accurate way to display those levels of commitment.

Spending a Friday night on the couch instead of going out or making each other little presents, or doing little things to make him feel special, are shows that level of commitment goes beyond anything people can understand.