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Want to Change Careers and put on Resume.!? - Printable Version

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Want to Change Careers and put on Resume.!? - Enrique - 05-11-2013 05:02 AM

I would like to quit my job and work in something i like, something to do with computers, social media (Being my passion) and internet, the problem is i don't know how to put this in my resume to look for another job in this industry.! Please help me.!

- Julie T - 05-11-2013 05:16 AM

You don't really put this in your RESUME - but when you write your first paragraph - you state your objectives - LIKE: Young man looking to upgrade to challenging position with growing and stable company seeks position (internship) handling computer technology and social media for sales and consumer satisfaction. - then you list your TALENTS and abilities - along with any previous work experience. DO NOT LIST THE JOB or company you for presently - but state you are willing to provide that information at a formal interview. WORK THE WORDS and apply to as many employers as you can - make each letter/application separate and fitting - call a prospective employer and ask for the name of the hiring person. You don't want the "gatekeeper" tossing your letter into file 13! YOU ARE GOING FOR AN IN PERSON INTERVIEW - any other would be a waste of your time.