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Do the IP addresses on Hide My IP primarily come from the same ISP? - Printable Version

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Do the IP addresses on Hide My IP primarily come from the same ISP? - yy - 05-11-2013 06:04 AM

I ask because sometimes it's pointless if IPs are changing but the service all has them on the same one or two servers, which all trace to the same ISP, which in turn says (after not long) "this is obviously the same person"). So, how does Hide My IP work in that regard?
Dan--That's all well and good, and a great source of info. However, you didn't actually answer MY question, ie if anyone knows "Do the IP addresses on Hide My IP primarily come from the same ISP?" The question wasn't "is it possible to hide your ISP". While I appreciated your efforts, I knew almost all that arleady. I was just wondering about HMI product. Different proxy services have 1 location and others have MULTIPLE locations. It's kind of pointless to allow the customer to rotate thru a set of IPs if all the ISPs (which, like you said, clearly show), all show the same ISP. This is esp true for very small ISP with one server location/one city. If you know about HMI or a better service, let me know.
0101obeywan--First, duh, that's obvious I could ask them, but I didn't. I asked here for PEOPLE WHO KNOW. If you don't know, don't answer. The question's not for you. Second, "we can only guess" is just YOU guessing. You don't speak for the crowd. You speak for youself. And, in this case, the question isn't for you. It's for them, the people who have experience with HMI. It's funny how everyone's quick with an answer, but never the answer the answer to the question you're asking. It's always an answer to the question you wished was asked.

- Dan Karas - 05-11-2013 06:17 AM

There is no way to really hide your WAN or public IP entirely, otherwise no data could be sent to your computer from the Internet as it would not know the destination address.

Every time you go to a web page, your Internet browser requests that content from a remote server be delivered to your computer via HTTP.

All of the web content including the source code, formatting (CSS), graphics, flash content, etc. must be requested via your wireless router's connection to your ISP's router.

Your Internet provider is required by law to keep a detailed log of the sites that you visit and files that you download. This router log file will be released to law enforcement with a proper subpena.

The most common way of hiding a WAN IP address is to use a web based proxy server. Your HTTP requests are sent to the proxy server. The proxy server forwards your request to the destination server, and then fetches the requested content and relays it back to you.

Good Luck...

- 0bey1 - 05-11-2013 06:34 AM

Do the IP addresses of Hide My IP come from the same ISP? That is a question that we cannot answer. If Hide My IP decides to use multiple ISPs for redundancy then it is possible you may get an IP address from a different ISP on their end. That is all dependant on their network infrastructure. The only ones who can give you a straight answer are Hide My IP. We can only guess.

For your information if you read their FAQ: Standard, and Premium IP addresses are owned and managed by us. Hide My IP are the service provider they tell you in plain English. That is what we speak here in let's not be a douche to everyone else land. If this information was not easily obtainable like this then that means the company does not want you to know that information. Information like that is considered sensitive and I work in an enterprise environment I know that they will not easily give this information up. That is like asking for the secret recipe to Coca-Cola. No one outside of the company is going to have the answer and if anyone inside the company knows they are legally bound to not tell. My explanation answered your question. If you didn’t like the answer then tough.

"It's funny how everyone's quick with an answer, but never the answer the answer to the question you're asking. It's always an answer to the question you wished was asked."

I am quick with the answer because I know the answer cannot be answered if it is sensitive information. Funny how you can't get a clue when someone explains something to you.

Here's another clue if you READ their website "Most of our IPs are located all over the world"!

BTW I emailed them and got this response within the day. Same sh!t that is in their FAQ. Not our fault you are a lazy a$$ who doesn't know how to take the initiative to research the information yourself!

From: Hide My IP Support []
Sent: Friday, January 11, 2013 12:22 PM
To: 0bey1sh1n0b1
Subject: [SUPPORT #DZX-568152]: Question about HMI's ISP


Our IP address are located all over the world. We do own all of our IP address.

For a complete list of our locations please visit:

If you have any other questions or concerns please feel free to email us.

Best Regards,

Aaron D.
Level 1 Support
My Privacy Tools, Inc.

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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: DZX-568152
Department: Support
Priority: Low
Status: Open