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Looking for band who needs a lead Female Singer? - Printable Version

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Looking for band who needs a lead Female Singer? - Rachael - 05-11-2013 03:15 PM

Hi My name is Rachael McDaniel I am 18 years old, and I am searching for a band who is looking for a lead singer or really any kind of singer. I sing pretty much anything except Screamo and rock. I love Country and can do some hip-hop and stuff. Please if you have anything that you know about please tell me. Thanks Guys Smile

- Chey M - 05-11-2013 03:21 PM

You should put an ad in the local paper. Or make a Facebook page (and share it on your profile every once in a while) that has video of your singing, and let it be known you're looking for an opportunity to sing in a band.
Make a status update on FB letting people know you want to be in a band, too.

Find local musicians who aren't in bands at the moment (or who are just willing to join a band, I know plenty of musicians who are part of multiple bands) or bands that are in between singers/need backup vocals, and see if you can make something happen.

You get people from all over the world here on Yahoo Answers, but the chances of someone from your area (or an area that you wouldn't mind joining that is from there) seeing this could be pretty slim, plus you don't even say which state you're in!
You could find plenty of people interested, but they could be clear across the country!

Hope I helped, good luck! Smile

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