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How do I change my Facebook relationship status without my Facebook friends knowing? - Printable Version

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How do I change my Facebook relationship status without my Facebook friends knowing? - Bart Ranci - 05-11-2013 05:49 PM

I just got out of a relationship and I think it's time to change the relationship status on Facebook, but I'm kinda embarrased to do so. I would just like to know how to make it impossible for all my Facebook friends to view the changed relationship status that Facebook automatically posts for you. ( ___ went from being "in a relationship" to "single")

- Insanesidewalk486 - 05-11-2013 05:53 PM

Change it to being in a civil union
Works every time

- Katherine - 05-11-2013 06:06 PM

you have to be kidding me

- Jeremiah - 05-11-2013 06:15 PM

When you post it, go to the post that says "______ went from being ..." and delete it. Or change it so only you can see it. I believe there may also be a privacy setting so where it doesn't post it but I am not up to speed on that.

- Megan - 05-11-2013 06:23 PM

If you want your facebook friends to stay out of your business with your relationships go to change your status and click on the blank line. You will no longer have any relationship status on facebook. Nosy people will be nosy, but it gets rid of that "only official once on facebook" stress people put on relationships. You can do that with almost any info facebook wants.
Also, you can hide that post from your timeline if you would like by going to your profile and hitting the top right corner of the post. Or go to settings and change your privacy options.

- Rish - 05-11-2013 06:30 PM

change the visibility to "Only Me" first, then change it.
If you dont do that your friends Will see it.

- Emo - 05-11-2013 06:41 PM

While changing your status, you will find various option including "Only Me", select "Only Me" so no one will know your status has been changed as this update wont show it to anyone. They will only come to know if they visit your profile!

If you do not wont to share at all, you can select "only me" from your profile setting so no one will see even if they visit your profile!