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How do I make it so you need a password to access facebook? - Printable Version

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How do I make it so you need a password to access facebook? - Zavier - 05-11-2013 07:55 PM

My sister keeps coming on my pc to go on facebook and it PI**ES me off. how do i make it so that when you try to connect to specific web pages it requires a password? thanks
i dont meen my account i mean to even get on the login you need a password. she logs into her own account and it just annoys me soooo much.

- micksmixxx - 05-11-2013 08:00 PM

You already need a password before you can login to facebook, my friend.

If you haven't told your sister your password, simply log out and she won't be able to get into your account.

- Steven - 05-11-2013 08:16 PM

edit the hosts file to block Facebook.