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What all can an iPod touch 3rd generation do? - Printable Version

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What all can an iPod touch 3rd generation do? - [:aDoRkAbLe<33 - 05-11-2013 10:53 PM

I'm thinking of getting an iPod touch 3rd generation because my Nano got screwed upSad
But I really have no idea what it does, or how good it is.. I don't even know what the 1st iPod touch does haha. I'm not like bad with technology or anything, I just don't know what they do. So yeah, what all does it do? and what apps can I get? and if you have one, how good is it? like is it amazing? lol. :] thanks

- None - 05-11-2013 11:01 PM

The two big differences between the iPod Touch and the rest of the iPod models are that the Touch has wi-fi connectivity and a touchscreen. It cannot connect to cellular unless you buy Mi-Fi for about $80 and pay $60 a month for the service, just so you know. That being said, wi-fi can't bounce from tower to tower like cellular so it can only connect while logged on to a wireless network. If you have a wireless network at home, you're good. It doesn't cost more for more devices or more computers. If you don't have a wireless network at home, you can get a wireless router and create a network or you can connect at public hot-spots. Some are free, some aren't. Some are only free if you already have service from that provider. An example, though it's no longer applicable; McDonald's wi-fi used to be free only to AT&T DSL subscribers. Others had to pay per use. It's free now though, even without an AT&T internet service. Okay, so the touchscreen; kind of self-explanatory. Some people really don't like using one and some, like my dad, don't do well with it because their hands are huge. They're hard to find, but you can get a stylus for it. Now, apps; there over currently over 157,000 apps in umpteen different categories including Social, Music, Games, Books and so on. There are lots of free apps and obviously, also lots of paid apps. Free ones in some cases are the only ones, such as Kindle or Pandora. Others have free and paid versions such as games. A free version might be lite or just a trial. Either way, it's likely financed by advertising where as the paid version is ad free and still better developed with better support.

For what it is and what it does, it's great. Is it amazing? I don't think so. Virtually everything it does can be done some other way. The only reason I have one is for Kindle e-books. I have a Sony reader but the two e-book stores are so proprietary that there are times when one is better than the other, or in most cases Kindle e-books are significantly lower priced. Because it will still be years before 3g is available where I am, and because I already have hundreds into my other reader, I won't be buying a Kindle device and reading on a computer leaves a lot to be desired. So I read Kindle e-books on the iPod Touch. I frequently use it for Slacker and Pandora though I can do both of those on my computer too. I have the 160GB iPod Classic which, because of its insanely huge capacity, is my iPod of choice when I want to rock & roll; but I do have some music on the Touch just so I don't have to have two devices with me if I might be kept waiting at an appointment or something.

Now, as for all the shareware pushers who are going to tell you that you don't have to pay for music, they're wrong, they don't care about you, they're incredibly ignorant and/or maybe they've just been lucky so far. The reality is that downloading copyrighted content without paying for it is illegal and extremely unsafe, except in the case of special promotion with the rights holder's permission. Such is the case with iTunes Single of the Week, free trials, Amazon's freebies, etc. Shareware is loaded with spyware, trojans, viruses, you name it. It will take out your computer faster than you know what hit it and at $129 a pop for remote removal, you could have bought a lot of safe and legal music instead. As for its legality, juries have been passing down multi-million dollar judgments and the courts are upholding them. Trust me, you don't want to go there.