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Isn't it time to consider legal action against failing public schools? - Printable Version

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Isn't it time to consider legal action against failing public schools? - voicelessthrone456 - 05-12-2013 02:49 AM

Why is it that every time one of these ghastly school shootings takes place, the ordinary law-abiding citizen finds himself, back against the wall, defending the Second Amendment as if he were somehow the culprit?

It’s as if the media intentionally stir up these simmering pots over more guns, less guns, arming everyone, disarming everyone to somehow preempt any meaningful debate on the real issue at hand: The colossal failure of our national public schools system, whose extremist policies are demonstrably more to blame for all of this than anything Smith & Wesson did or ever could do.

While we go on and on in these media-directed sidetracks, the folks who actually get paid to see to the education and personal safety of our nation’s students seem to get off scott-free. Some Americans would like to know why.

Sure, accidents happen. Tragedies happen, too, and nobody likes the blame game. But if the plan on the Left is to simply pass the buck, blame the Second Amendment and the NRA for this one, and lobby the government to strip law-abiding citizens of even more civil liberties, while absolving themselves of any wrong doing whatsoever, then by all means let's let the games begin.

So how exactly does a 20-year-old get on a grade-school campus with a bag full of guns? What, nobody noticed this oddball? Can pedophiles stroll onto school property just as easily? Kidnappers? Drug dealers? Pimps?

And just what’s the point of a “gun-free zone” if no one intends to enforce it? Is it just another feel-good policy to require signs posted at the entrances to all of our schools? Were there any actual security measures in place, or was the plan to simply hang up silly signs and then blame the National Rifle Association (NRA) if anything goes awry.

So what was Plan B? Blame the parents? But students spend many more waking hours in school than with their parents. And, besides, parents enjoy extremely limited input on public school policy these days. These are the same public school bureaucrats who deny parental rights and usurp parental authority whenever and wherever they feel like it, even to the extent of lobbying against parental notification before abortions can be offered to minors.

Free condoms in the nurse’s office, even against the express wishes of parents? Absolutely! Parents have no rights to influence campus policy.

Mandatory compliance with socialist indoctrination of students that flies directly in the face of the religious beliefs of their parents? You bet! And if you object, you might just end up in jail.

So what about these shootings? Under whose watch do they occur? The parents? In whose buildings do they occur? The NRA’s? Why isn't Anderson Cooper discussing any of this?

Leaving aside the social and moral free-for-all which public schools have become infamous for promoting—and which has led to widespread loss of respect for life, authority, and morality among whole generations of young Americans—where were the metal detectors? Where were the competent and adequately armed security officers? This latest shooter was reportedly caught trying to break into the school just two days earlier? What, that didn’t send up any red flags?

Who’s in charge of our kids’ safety, and why do school administrators keep leaving the heroic defense of kids under fire in gymnasiums to underpaid teachers whose job description certainly does not include fending off armed assailants in the hallways?

Again, who’s responsible for this? Have charges been filed against anyone in the school district? If not, why not? They knew this kid. He'd gone through the public middle school in Newtown. He was described by classmates at Newtown High as an "odd figure" who always "carried a brief case" and hung out with "computer nerds" and "brainiacs". He was from a wealthy family; the son of a "pillar of the community". Whose responsibility was he? The NRA's?

Next thing anyone knew he was shooting up kindergartners. How? People don’t get away with bringing guns into airports anymore, for example; so why is it so easy to tote them into schools? How many kids have to die at the hands of the next Eric Harris or Dylan Klebold or some other disturbed product of our vaunted public schools before the superintendents in charge stop blaming law-abiding gun owners and the NRA for their own criminal negligence.

And let’s not have any talk about God or morality or truth or consequences—not in our enlightened public schools! The geniuses who banned God from the classroom years ago have since decided that kids don’t need morality reinforced in school, either. Give them the condoms! Encourage the risky behavior! Invite them to indulge every desire. After all, moral restrictions and prohibitions might bruise self-esteem, self-worth, and self-discovery! And self-destruction? Nobody talks about that until after there are dead kids lying all over the place.
Why can’t these people be held responsible, not only for failing to protect our kids from pimply-faced punks strolling around campus with gun barrels sticking out from beneath their jackets, but also for their own failed social and academic policies where, say, for example, plummeting test scores are concerned, and national averages now embarrass our country in the eyes of the whole world?
Or how about those skyrocketing teen pregnancy rates—the obvious byproduct of over-the-top sex indoctrination in public schools? Any checks and balances on any of these obviously failed policies? Or does the public school monopoly get to just soldier on forever?
These people are no longer educators! They are agenda-driven social engineers who are running experiments on our kids. They don’t believe in objective truth, they don’t teach consequences, they don’t even acknowledge good and evil, right and wrong, but rather stress only what is inappropriate and appropriate behavior; they undermine parental authority at every opportunity, and, obviously, they have no idea how to protect the kids in their charge from physical harm and even death.

- Pluto C. Rat - 05-12-2013 03:02 AM


And have half your bank account sue the other half of your bank account at the same time, Aristotle. US Richclass Joe Lawyer will love you.

- Elmer - 05-12-2013 03:08 AM

What do you call it when people have an addiction to writing? There is a work for it and its not scribologia.

- Spock (rhp) - 05-12-2013 03:09 AM

conveniently, the government has made it illegal to sue the government without advance permission.

no, you can't do that.

- kate112280 - 05-12-2013 03:26 AM

Wow that is quite a rant.
First off, this school did have security measures in place. All doors were locked and you have to be buzzed in, just like all the schools in my district. However this guy shot a window and got in that way. When the Principal ran to see what was going on she was shot dead.

As for God in the schools, which God should they learn about? The Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Wiccan ones? It is NOT up to a public school to teach about God. However, they DO teach right from wrong, I have volunteered in the schools for years and I can tell you that they teach kids to respect each other and to never harm anyone. It is a parents job to teach morals and values, not the schools.

As for the skyrocketing pregnancy rates, wrong those have been on the decline for years now.

My question is this. Where are the parents? Do you know how many times a teacher has said to me that they have tried to get a parent to come in to talk about their child who is failing, or who is getting in trouble all the time, and the parents just do not care.

The other problem is the issue of bullying, which the schools are taking very seriously, but some parents do not.

- Egg - 05-12-2013 03:42 AM

If you truly consider how inept most branches of government tend to be, it will bring a chill to your spine.