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Every time I try to log on to Facebook, my computer shuts me off of the Internet. Why would that happen? - Printable Version

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Every time I try to log on to Facebook, my computer shuts me off of the Internet. Why would that happen? - J. E. F. - 05-12-2013 05:10 AM

I've been using Facebook for at least two months, and since yesterday, each time I go to the log-in site, my computer completely goes off the internet, right back to my off-line background--no 'unable to display page' message or anything! Why would it do that?

- Jo - 05-12-2013 05:22 AM

I don't really know much about computers but if only happens in that site have you try to check if is your anti virus that is "seing" the facebook webpage as a virus?
Some antivirus may do this with same webpages.
Just check your antivirus definitions.

- Manny Paz - 05-12-2013 05:25 AM

Hi,That could be a numerous types of problems:
1-Check your Firewall.
2-Check for Virus or Bugs(I recommend Norton Antivirus and AVG wich is free to personal users)
3-Check your Internet Explorer,if you have IE 8.0 switch to IE 7.0 or try to use Mozilla Firexfox or Google Chrome.
Check the links in the botton.
I hope you can fix problems and go back to Facebook.I don't know about you, but I use my Facebook every day.
Good Luck