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Can I Facebook message a childhood guy friend? - Printable Version

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Can I Facebook message a childhood guy friend? - A. L - 05-12-2013 06:08 AM

I grew up with this guy. He and his sisters and I were all super close. Our families were close. We recently became friends on Facebook and I want to message him so badly. I really want to reconnect again and get to know him. It's been a long time since we last saw each other. I don't want to make him feel weird or awkward either. Should I? I will make the message super comfortable and not awkward at all. Is this ok?

- Slappy - 05-12-2013 06:21 AM

Sure. I did the same thing to reconnect with a former childhood friend. No harm in trying but don't be disappointed if he's changed and stays distant or you don't reconnect in the way you'd like.