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Do you think new technologies have made you or others in your peer group more self-centered? - Printable Version

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Do you think new technologies have made you or others in your peer group more self-centered? - Rainbow - 05-12-2013 07:30 AM

Generally speaking, do you think new technologies (i.e., social networking media, digital video and other internet-based tools)have made you or others in your peer group more self-centered? Can you think of the ways that it has had the opposite effect? (Try to answer both questions and offer an example or two.)

Thank you for taking time to answer my question.

- Serge Defiant - 05-12-2013 07:41 AM

I'm in a Law Enforcement class, and we had several debates about this subject.
My personal opinion is since the development of computers and cell phones, ways to talk without talking, it has restricted our ability to identify problems of other people. We can't communicate properly, or are often embarrassed to do so. Normal conversations seem stupid to us, while the Baby Boomers will talk and enjoy doing so. We have come to rely on the virtual world for a sort of emotional shield, such as saying something like "I love you" on a computer is so much simpler than saying it orally to your partner. I'm not saying this is something everyone does, has done, or are doing. I'm just pointing out what I see, the differences.

I don't know if this answers your question, but I tried, thanks for your time.