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Didnt people cry "he was innocent" and picked on because he was black? - Printable Version

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Didnt people cry "he was innocent" and picked on because he was black? - noisyfeast828 - 05-12-2013 07:52 AM

By police?

- Paul - 05-12-2013 08:02 AM

See what happens when you have laws banning guns? Criminals never have any difficulty obtaining them! Still, we must make sure the nice people who'd never dream of killing anyone nor drug dealing have their guns taken away from them.

People like Duggan are always complaining about being picked on 'because i'm black'. Scum like him ask for all they get.

How lucky we are to live in a multicultural society where we can all wallow in the deep joy this diversity brings to our otherwise humdrum, not.

- Gent - 05-12-2013 08:16 AM

This Innocent young black saint,,this pillock of his " community",,this wasted future brain surgeon,this cause (?) of disharmony ?
Surley not.
Not a slime ball thug,immigrant bred slime ball,criminal worm,drug pushing waste of space ?

I absolutely love being right.
AND saying,,,,,,,,,," I told you so " ,,at the time I paraphrased the above.

- Coolio - 05-12-2013 08:23 AM

Well, obviously you know the answer. So why ask the question?

- David H - 05-12-2013 08:25 AM

An over played black cultural plea that falls on deaf ears....only supported by personal friends/family members/gang members.

Duggan was a 'known criminal' - he pushed his luck....and 'he' came unstuck.!!

Even this recent 'stabbing' in Pimplico (London) has 'now' revealed the ermmm....victim was a 'known gang member' - something the police have had to admit after the media suggested all was not 'what it seemed' 'a totally innocent person' being attacked on the street in an 'up-market area' surrounded by a 'gang trouble' council estate which was also revealed by the media....later on.

The police (again) lose all credibility when they 'refuse' to present the background info they have on these gang killings when giving TV interviews etc....they themselves saying 'the later exposed thug' killed was an outstanding member of society etc and respected/loved by all....yeah right.!!

The hoodie 'stop and search ruling' should remain (black/white) - that policy alone 'helps' too make the streets safe - those hoodie's disagreeing should present 'themselves' on the streets in a less intimidating (dress sense) + anti social way....then the likelihood of being stopped would be reduced.!!

- Ern T - 05-12-2013 08:29 AM

Some may have done, but the rioters probably couldn't really have cared less if he was innocent or not, it was used as an excuse for the riot. Anyone who claims one thing or another before the facts are known are voicing nothing other than their prejudices as a rule.

- free willy - 05-12-2013 08:30 AM

He was only showing multicultural UK Jamaican yardie culture