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How do I make a blog site? - Printable Version

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How do I make a blog site? - Sunshine Bunny - 05-12-2013 11:45 AM

I want to start a site for me to blog. However I know nothing of how to do so. Please tell me any information you may have. (:

- Blondie - 05-12-2013 11:48 AM

try their greeeeaaaat!(:

- Kate Nelson - 05-12-2013 11:53 AM

First, how do you want to blog?

1. Do you want to blog for free? if yes, blogger is the best choice. Why? because blogger blogspot lets you modify the html source, layout without paying any costs.

2. Do you blog to earn money too? if yes, blogger is also good option for this.

Blogger blogspot allows you to put adsense, or any banner that can help you earning.

Suggestion, getting your own blog with your own domain and hosting is always the best, because you can manage your blog 100%

- Marwan - 05-12-2013 11:56 AM
By playing the DevHub game, you can easily build vertically-focused, media-rich destination sites that have the potential to generate revenue and promote user-engagement.
Kafafa enables the user to create professional-looking websites with no programming knowledge.
Lifeyo lets people make websites. It is a simple and free website creation tool that lets anyone have a great looking website.
Make the site you've always wanted now, instantly build, publish & share. Create interactive, stylish & ad-free pages, with Webon's powerful site creation platform.
Webs (Freewebs) is one of the easiest site building tools around that helps you create professional good-looking site for your family, friends, customers or just for yourself. Users are given 40MB free space and 500MB bandwidth per month.
Weebly is the easiest way to create, upload a website, and share it with the world for free. From personal to professional sites, Weebly will enable you to spend your time on the most valuable part of your site, its content.
Tumblr is your friendly, free, and terrifically easy tool for creating tumblelogs.
Tumblelogs are the refreshingly simple new way to share anything you find, love, hate, or create. is an easy and powerful way to start blogging.
Create a blog in 3 easy steps:
Create an account
Name your blog
Choose a template
TypePad is the premier blogging service for professionals, hosting many of the world’s most popular blogs websites. TypePad’s ease of use enables you to create a blog in minutes.
Control exactly who gets to see each of your posts and photos.
See all the posts from your friends and family on one page.
Bring in content from other web services you already use (Amazon, YouTube, more).
Soup is a tumblelog, a super-easy blog that can do more than just text: post links, quotes, videos, audio, files, reviews and events.
LiveJournal is an online journal service with an emphasis on user interaction. A basic, fully-functional account is free, while paid accounts receive access to premium features. You can use LiveJournal in many ways: a private journal, a blog, a discussion forum or a social network.