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How do I get over her?(Do I need to get over her?)? - Printable Version

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How do I get over her?(Do I need to get over her?)? - john - 05-12-2013 05:16 PM

I am a Junior in high school and there is this girl that I have liked since seventh grade. There has always been this thing between us were we glance over at each other and make contact and it usually happens whenever I see her. I had this idea of her in my head for the longest time and thought we were soul mates and that she was the one. I even was trying to make my self believe that I new her in a past life to explain why I liked her so much and I have thought I have always had this special attraction to her because there have been other girls that I have talked to and like but I have never actually talked to this girl ant that is why I think I like her so much and got so nervous around her. I finally got the courage to say hi one time and that night I think she was expecting me to talk to her but I didn't because I was to nervous. She left and I thought it was because she was sad that I didn't. So that night I messaged her on facebook and asked her if we could talk sometime. She agreed and even offered to come pick me up because I wanted to talk in person because I have never done that with her. So we planned and all 4 times it didn't work out and it was because of me. I didn't really want to and I don't know why. Maybe I'm scared I don't know. So after it didn't work out the first time I waited three weeks and texted her and she brought it up and asked If I wanted to meet with her and I said yes. It didn't happen though because I didn't make the plans because I didn't want to bring it up becasue I was to scared. So two months later from the first time I messaged her here I am . I have asked the same question on yahoo about 30 times to try and help me decide weather or not I should ask her. I honestly don't know. I do. She has a great personality and I think we could have a lot of fun together but it is akward because we have had little to none face to face contact and I just want to get that out of the way so we can be friends. So I didn't text her for about two weeks and I was walking into to school and she just came up and said hi, but I text her and she replies quickly and responds and then takes and hour to respond. The next day I texted her "Hey are you busy?" and theres no response. Excuse me with my language but I have ****** up with this girl s many times and she has given me so many chances That I honestly think It's over; and I'm mad at myself and sad and angry. I get so mad because I have 5 CHANCES AND ****** UP with all of them. I don't know what to do about this girl . She's just a girl and I feel like if I don't settle things I'll never forget her and I don't want her to be on my mind all the time because I barely even know her. What do you think about this? What should I do? I was thinking about calling her but I think she's tired of me. But I'm still confused as to why she said Hi. Maybe she felt bad because I was walking by myself

- Angelica - 05-12-2013 05:29 PM

call her and try talking to her, and explain everything from the start. trust me, it will help her trust you again,and you never know, she may feel the same way! never give, you will regret it later on

- Kiefer - 05-12-2013 05:45 PM

Suck it up, approach her and ask her to talk right now and tell her lightly how you feel.

- DD - 05-12-2013 05:54 PM

John, pls. Be honest with her just one good sincere apology and owning up to your wrong is all you can do in that aspect. Be sincere. look deep in the eyes and say "I am so sorry". Admit you were wrong and tell her that you'll not to make the mistake again. Don't try to impress her, because that's not what she wants. She's going to want you to prove that it won't happen again. Go to the store....get some flowers, (or a flower),and chocolate might help too: give her a small teddy saying sorry or love you/ like you. and write a little note of soreness.(poem) I will help you writing one.) She will forgive you but make sure you will never ever stand her up again. make sure let her know why you are saying sorry first. Make sure you really are sorry, make her feel special. Man-up! Be sincere. Admit, you were wrong. DON'T apologize! if you don't mean it, don't even bother. she knows when you're lying and don't think for a second that you can fool her. AGAIN REPEAT. Give her sincere apology . And to tell her how wrong you were, your wont do it again, Apologize. This is the most important step. Don't wait to do it. The longer you wait to take action, the less it means. Don't just say I'm sorry, state your apology in an intellectual manner, IT MUST BE AND sound genuine. If you want her, be sincere and specific in your apology. Acknowledge what you did wrong. The best way to say an apology is to say that you're sorry for what you did and how can you make it better. Make a promise to yourself that you won't lie to her again - and don't! If she believes you, don't use the opportunity to keep lying. The only way you are going to ever get her trust back is to be honest. Remember - once burned, twice shy. This only depends on what happened. MOST IMPORTANT IS TO MAKE SURE YOU ADMIT TO WHAT HAPPEN SAY "It's my fault!" "An explanation of the problem. "Owning it + resolution. This is, personally, my usual course for almost all problem situations where I am at fault. "Owning it + resolution looks something like this, "Yeah, I probably should've been more HONEST WITH YOU BUT I WAS SHY OR WHAT EVER YOU FELT. SAY TO HER That's my mistake. Let me get this one cleaned up, and next time I'll be more conscious of where I put my elbows." SHOW HER THAT You've clearly made a mistake,(My mistake. I'll be more conscious of that next time, AND I PROMISE NEXT TIME WILL NEVER EVER DO THAT AGAIN AND TELL HER EXACTLY WHY YOU DID WHAT YOU DID PERIOD. ALL MUST BE IN PERSON AND HOLD THAT SMALL TEDDY AND THAT FLOWER/S UP TO YOU CARD POEM I WILL WRITE YOU ONE IF YOU WANT...NEVER EVER ON FACEBOOK THIS IS YOU AND HER NOT THE WWW NET. ALL MUST BE CONSIDERED PERSONAL AND IN PERSON IS THE BEST WAY TO DO IT PERIOD. AND PLEASE STEP UP MAN UP AND DO IT NOW DON'T WAIT ONE MORE SECOND OR FORGET HER PERIOD SHE DOES NOT NEED SOMEONE WHO WILL NOT BE THERE WHEN SHE TRULY NEED YOU..SHE NEED TO KNOW YOUR WORD IS A MAN WORD NOT JUST TALK, IT'S TALK AND ACTION PERIOD.. GOOD LUCK BEST WISHES LET ME KNOW WHAT HAPPEN SOON READ MY EMAIL SEND YOU ONE. Man she said Hi she forgiven you before IT;S YOUR LAST CHANCE EITHER MAN UP OR LEAVE HER ALONE SORRY THIS IS THE WAY I WILL TELL YOU NOW. YOU HAD 5 CHNCES SO EITHER PUT UP MAN UP OR FORGET HER PERICHANCES YOU DO IT RIGHT YOU WILL BE FORGIVEN PPERIOD. THE REASON SHE SAID HI IS SHE CARES SO DO IT PLEASE, IF YOU CAN NOT GIVE ME HER EMAIL I WILL SEND HER A NOTE OR GIVE ME HER FACEBOOK I WILL SOLVE IT FOR YOU ONCE AND FOR ALL OK JOHN PLEASE DO IT SO U CAN REST YOUR MIND 4 GOOD.