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I NEED HELP with Social Network ideas? - Printable Version

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I NEED HELP with Social Network ideas? - Anna Denniston - 05-12-2013 05:58 PM

please help me with ideas to make us different from Facebook or twitter what functions would you LOVE to see on a new Social networking website for you?

- COUNT V:D - 05-12-2013 05:59 PM

Chatting, looking at pictures, following/adding/ or whatever you call it, and commenting are definitely necessary. However, to spice things up a bit, I suggest group chatting i.e. through mics, cameras, and chat bubbles. For pictures, people could doodle on it using a tool next to the picture shown. For commenting, emoticons are definitely recommends as well as leaving voice messages, links, videos and pictures. They should also be able to tag someone on their. Also, instead of "liking," the comment, picture, or whatever can get votes. For example, let's say a picture a cute dog is left along with a caption for it. Then, people can start voting up (good) or voting down (bad.) Games aren't really necessary, but it would be nice. Putting in music, videos, and pictures on the person's profile can be nice as well. Speaking of profile, the person should be able to change the background, profile pictures, text colors, etc. Also, they could enable/disable a person from doing something such as going into their profile and etc. Plus, they should be able to add or remove someone to their friends/group/whatever list. The whole things should be organized as well. So, folders with different things and friends group should be there that is if you want to. People should be able to save and print things too. Also, if you want to make profit, I suggest you to input some ads that paid whoever from this social network along with whatever popular merchandise you would like to sell. I know I have more, but this is all I could think of. I hope this helps! Big Grin