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Don't know how to act around friend who likes me? - Printable Version

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Don't know how to act around friend who likes me? - Bellatrix Lestrange Suspended - 05-27-2013 09:27 AM

I just found out that one of my friends, well acquaintance, has a crush on me! I'm more surprised at the fact that HE has a crush on ME. He's popular, funny, and smart...and I'm average. People say I'm intimidating, scary, and a little dismissive but funny when you get to know me. The thing is, we've never had a lot of conversations between each other. We share some hi, how're you's but nothing like a full blown out conversation. On twitter, he replies to most of my tweets. He told me I was inspirational and a genius.

Also, the girls that are all over him are SO PRETTY. Their skin is like porcelain and they have good bodies and I have an okay body and a face that could be better. I also don't dress up everyday. Some days, I'll wear my baggiest sweatpants but he's still attracted to me? How? I definitely don't go around with my boobs out and I'm only comfortable talking around people I know....

Now when he makes conversation via twitter, I usually favorite his tweets when I don't know what to say. I like him too the only thing that's holding me back is being judged. Like people going "ew why are you going out with her? she's ugly, she doesn't dress nice, you could do so much better" because people do that a lot in my school.

- Açe•º•. - 05-27-2013 09:33 AM

Girls asses look so perfect in baggy sweatpants.

Also don't care what other people think tell them to stfu.

- em - 05-27-2013 09:34 AM

Maybe he's not into those type of girls and wants someone more real. Go for him! If you two truly like each other then other's opinions should not hold you back. I had similar fears when I started dating my boyfriend too. At first people would say some rude things, but it only interests them for a while. Now, no one really cares that we're dating.

- Danielle - 05-27-2013 09:37 AM

Interesting how I found out a friend of mine likes me as well. To be honest.. Just go for him, who cares what they say? You're a cute couple, no matter what. People will be people, you just have to get by them. Tell him you like him too, because you never know. This could lead to something great in the future.

- Sarah - 05-27-2013 09:42 AM

It all depends on how you feel. Do you want to go out with him? You shouldn't just like a guy because he likes you. I don't know if you liked him before sooooo..Smile he probably chose you because he thinks ou are different. He probably gets tired of seeing those fake girls all the time and wants something more real. Hope I helpedSmile if you feel comfortable ask him about it or have a friend do itSmile

- Quiet. - 05-27-2013 09:46 AM

I can guarantee you that is it because you are just you. You are yourself and he finds that attractive. It doesn't matter if other girls are prettier, he likes you for you and you're lucky.

Look, do not try to make other people happy. Do what makes YOU happy. If you want to go out with him, go for it! Don't let other people dictate your happiness.

- Unluckycannon592 - 05-27-2013 09:46 AM

AWWW! Smile That is so cute and sweet.
Interesting that you bring that up, because my guy friend told me he likes me back too, which shocked the hell outta me since he has other attractive female friends. We're not gonna date however because we leave for college in a couple of months and he's not the friends w/ benefits type either. (:

Anyway, I'd suggest that you do what makes you happy. If you really feel insecure about your appearances and don't think you want to date him, then don't. However, you sound like a wonderful, intelligent, and awesome person to me. Just because those girls are beautiful doesn't mean they are attractive in terms of personality.

Besides, beauty is subjective. That means certain people find you attractive and vice versa. I'm sure you look beautiful to him, sweatpants or not. (: If you do like him back, give him a chance. You never know if you don't try!