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Guys! Please help me with crush advice?!? - Printable Version

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Guys! Please help me with crush advice?!? - Angie T - 05-27-2013 09:36 AM

I have been crushing pretty hard on this guy for about 6 months now. I just don't know if he likes me back though. A lot of subtle things have happened between us, we have never really spoke to each other but maybe three words. It feels like we have some sort of special connection though. I will give you a little bit of background on my situation. During football season my mom pointed out that he was always turned around looking at me I didn't really think anything of it until a few months later when I started going to my bestfriends locker everyday after school & his locker happens to be right next to hers Then at lunch one day we made awkward eye contact and he waved im really self conscience and shy so I didn't know if he was waving at me so I ended up ignoring him hes a very well liked guy in our school that was new this year too so a lot of the girls had a thing for him anyway 2 days later he was in the lunch line and I looked up there and AGAIN we made awkward eye contact and he waved at me & me being me I ignored him yet again not knowing if he was in fact waving at me or not. we now make a lot of eye contact in the hallway but I get shy and look away when we do. He plays baseball so I haven't missed very many games this year. My dad comes to a lot of games with me and he has pointed out to me that everytime I look away he is looking at me and he said he thinks its obvious that he likes me coming to his games. Also he comes into my 8th hour class almost everyday to either just sharpen his pencil because his classrooms doesn't work, or to get water or a Kleenex or even sometimes just because he wants to be in there. I don't know if that means anything though, sometimes he will randomly come sit with us at lunch but I don't talk to him because again I am VERY shy when it comes to him. Another thing is after one of his baseball games he had a picture up on twitter of him after the game so I favorite it and then 5 minutes later he favorite a tweet of mine from 6

- Obi Wan Knievel - 05-27-2013 09:39 AM

OK, I'll help.

What you need to do is take that big step and kick it up to the next level. He's obviously not going to do this (maybe he's as shy as you are), so it's all up to you. Hey, nobody ever said this stuff was easy.

Anyway, here's how you do it. You need to wait until the next opportunity, then kick down a few barriers and say hi to him. Yes I know that's difficult. I'm a guy, and it's not any easier for us when we have to do it. In fact it's harder, because you don't hear about too many female serial rapists in the news. But it's not risky, because nobody ever got rejected flat-out just for saying hi to a guy. Even if he has no interest in you at all, the odds that he'll say hi back are something like 99% if not better.

You don't need to focus on landing that first date, and don't even bother worrying about the house and 2.3 kids with him. Just work on saying hi, and go from there. I know you want to think about all that stuff and every other what-if you can come up with, but just focus on saying one or two words with him for now. You can worry about all that other stuff later.

Trust me, once you do it you'll realize how easy it was and get a huge boost of confidence.

- Love<3 - 05-27-2013 09:39 AM

I really think that this could be something!

Just because you don't talk much doesn't necessarily mean anything. Judging by the amount of attention he gives you WITHOUT talking I'd say you are definitely on his mind!

I get being shy around the guy you like (I get nervous just saying hi to the guy I like) but you both need to step it up if anything is going to happen! You need to speak more. Say hi, smile. Get his number or ask him to text you so he'll have to ask for yours.
I feel like the emotions are definitely there. You just need to move forward!

- Anthony - 05-27-2013 09:40 AM

coming from a shy guy you should just go up to him and talk to him. i know it's not easy but guys don't always have to make the first move. Just start a conversation with him. it's all up to you.

- chrisjbadboy4life - 05-27-2013 09:48 AM

Ok here it goes first of all it does sound like he may like you. good signs of this is eye contact and he tries to appear where you are at. Now here might be the difficult thing he may not know you like him so you may have to approach him maybe invite him to like a party or something to get him to have a decent conversation with you or possibly approach him after a baseball game and just say for example "I saw your nice catch out there it was pretty sweet. " now once you are having a nice conversation you have to let him know that you like him. Girls usually bat their eyes or touch like a guys arm or something whenever they like a guy just give him small hints that you like him nothing drastic. And maybe the next time you see him build up to what are you doing this weekend or something like that. Just slowly build a friendship with this guy without ever calling him a friend. If you really do like him he has to know that you want to be more than just friends so don't ever call him buddy or bestie anything like that and slowly make your subtle cues that you like him more obvious and by this point if he likes you too he will ask you out. I know this probably won't be a quick process but it will work if you do if you stick with it and if he does like you back. Best of luck

- Manuel - 05-27-2013 09:50 AM

Since you answered my question here . Ask him out . Guys don't mind I've been asked out before my a girl before . It took alot if stress off

- Elva - 05-27-2013 09:58 AM

I THINK YOU CAN HAVE A DATING WITH THIS BOY. He may be such kind of shy boy that dare not speak to your face, just because that he may have already had a crush on you.

So once you be brave enough to start the conversation with him, he may just be the very person you want.

And if things are not the same as you want, you will neither lose anything. You can also find a good friend in this communication.


- Dave - 05-27-2013 10:07 AM

Okay, yeah from experience I'd say he likes you but just take it slow. These are quite small but they will work. Start by just saying hi and smile (very important) every time you walk past him. This will get his attention I can assure you and after a few times he'll be dying to talk to you. Also if he's talking with you smile and make eye contact (but don't stare him down!). After you finish talking also say nice talking to you... These don't seem like much but they'll get the ball rolling pretty quick.