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Whos being a d1ck here? - Printable Version

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Whos being a d1ck here? - george - 05-27-2013 09:56 AM

Ok so my friend is constantly making fun of me saying I stalk people on twitter when I do not and he doesn't even have a twitter soooo? Haha it wouldnt bother me at all but he texted people saying I stalk them including the girl I like. So to getnhim to stop I took his bag (drawstring) and took out his homework and ripped a part of it (like legit a quarter of it thats it) then I took A PENCIL and drew on his bag. Now he is giving me the biggest cold shoulder in the world and he turned his gf (who I was friends with) against me. I understand what I did was a dickmove but thats honestly a 1 out of 100 on the dickscale. Besides you can just erase it haha so ya do i deserve this reaction from him?

- carmen - 05-27-2013 10:04 AM

Yes what he did was a small joke u dont have to stoop down to his level

- Fish - 05-27-2013 10:05 AM

You are. To be honest, what he's doing is just words. You took action against him. I have a friend that constantly teases me over how sometimes I say everything that's on my mind and I don't think before saying. I don't take much action against it because I take it as a joke. I wouldn't go that far to get back at my friend though.

- Ineedaname - 05-27-2013 10:09 AM

Pshhhh...I mean..both of you did something stupid. Both of you deserve the blame.

When he did that you should've just shrugged it off, who cares what you do on social stuff and how would he know? Many people if not all just thought he was jealous which would make you look better and makes him look worse. What you did to him though was...I guess seen coming but that was just really an assh*le move there, he probably got in crap for his homework and he probably had to buy a new bag.

The only reason you shouldn't be getting full blame is because he was also being dumb, but try to ask a question before you do something like that rather than after. It would've been beneficial but this isn't

- Kyler - 05-27-2013 10:17 AM

You know, I always like the fire with fire play but, maybe just maybe you shouldn't do that , instead of that you could do the same thing he did with his gf if u Ask me lol.