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I hate my friend! What should i do? - Printable Version

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I hate my friend! What should i do? - livelyvoyage250 - 05-27-2013 02:19 PM

I had this classmate on twitter who unfollow me. she's a close friend... I feel like, she only want more followers. I feel betrayed. then i mention her many times on a single tweet so she feels annoyed and replied to delete it. the next day she followed me again. maybe she feel guilty because i tweeted many things that are referring to her<quite offensive tweets> what should i do.?

- Levi - 05-27-2013 02:29 PM

Beat her up.

- Cheese - 05-27-2013 02:37 PM

Get a life. A REAL life. Not a twitter life. Or Facebook life. And then this stupid bs of " oh no my friend deleted me, I hate her now" won't happen. Be steady with your thoughts and emotions. Not up one minute and down the other. Sounds like you love the drama

- Rachael - 05-27-2013 02:41 PM

Well to me it just sounds like a bunch of lame drama. If she was ur friend she wouldnt do that to u. I say u tell her to fu** off

- Shiho - 05-27-2013 02:41 PM

some people go for that, i don't have a twitter and don't care for one, but as long as you see her in person, who cares how Manny "followers" she has ? if she's your friend, your already following her Wink ( i mean that in the least "mind in gutter or wrong" way possible, you know what i mean)

- Fat - 05-27-2013 02:48 PM

Danm you got really offended when one of your "classmates' unfollowed you big fucking deal you hate them over it I mean fuck em is it that big of a deal

- Bradley - 05-27-2013 02:53 PM

it's Twitter. You need to have a life outside of social media. there is more to the world than Twitter and Facebook. Get out there and hang out with her, meet new people.