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Is the US/UK forcing Europe to follow market fundamentalism? - Printable Version

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Is the US/UK forcing Europe to follow market fundamentalism? - Alex G - 10-12-2012 02:51 PM

We all know the financial crisis and related euro crisis were deliberately created by banksters in London and Wall Street, but why?

Is the purpose to dismantle the euro and EU projects, and thus eliminate a potential competitor to US/UK global economic hegemony?

Or is the purpose to destroy social democracy and the social safety net, free education, universal health insurance, etc. that European countries still have?

(The US and UK have been going down this path of dismantling the middle class for the last 40 years or so.... are they now trying to force Germany, France, and the rest of continental Europe to do the same?)
@ Guru Hank - I'd love to hear your theory and how you plan to capitalize on it... please edit your answer to explain?
@ Richard - the UK may be a "socialist" country according to TeaBirthers, but Britain pre- and post- Margaret Thatcher are two different countries - the new one being much better for the super-rich from all over the world, and much worse for the bottom 99% of Brits. Next, of course the Republicans have contrived to destroy the social safety net - they did so by slashing taxes over the last 40 years while increasing spending, mainly on "defense", thus causing the chronic budget deficits and massive national debt. Now they claim it was caused by the social programs, so we need to slash/eliminate those (including Social Security and Medicare). If that's not contriving, I don't know what is.

- Richard D - 10-12-2012 02:59 PM

That's like saying do you wish everyone in the world were dead except your own country? No, because then you would not have VWs or Chinese TVs. The US would gain nothing.
Anyway, the fiscal crisis is the result of Republican politics. Would the Republicans like to see social programs go down? Undoubtedly--but that doesn't mean they have contrived to do that. Anyway the UK is a socialist country.

- Guru Hank - 10-12-2012 02:59 PM

That is your opinion. The rest of us are just sitting back and saying we told you so. I hope to make money out of the mess the Eurozone has landed itself with.

- rrredbird - 10-12-2012 02:59 PM

the cow must give milk or he will poop on the bulls head,you must know Darwin theory the more poop the better the smell,,