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He just left our relationship without a word what should i do now? - Printable Version

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He just left our relationship without a word what should i do now? - tink* - 05-28-2013 03:41 AM

Ok so me and my ex been on and off for three years now,and im tired of it i finally texted and said i just was tired of being on an emotional rollercoaster always breaking up and geting back together its becoming a confusing situation for me so i need some time to myself....not once after that did he text me and say hey i understand or even an ok would have been fine oh but the whole time he was on his fb,tweeting and on i.g

After a few weeks passed i text him to see how he was doing and then told him i want to see you soon so we could talk about some stuff (he knew what i ment by that) and he never even text me back or anything but he's posting on fb,twitter and instagram This is not the first time he have done this to me because even when hes going through something,he doesnt even let me know he just disappeares and after days i have to contact him and ask him whats going on,even when he wanted "space" he did the exact same thing to me i mean what a coward atleast if im going to breakup with someone im noble and brave enough to do it to there face.I just feel so heartbroken 3 years is enough,how do i heal my heart? And also hes 27 and im 22 how is he older but cowardly like he's my age or younger?

- Florence B - 05-28-2013 03:43 AM

Stop communicating with him. Stop checking up on him. Just stop. He doesn't care about you. At age 22 you have time.

- Holly - 05-28-2013 03:51 AM

Honestly, I think you should just forget about him. Go out with your girlfriends and have a girls night out! Try and get your mind off it! Meet new people and new guys! Good luck, I hope I helped(: and can you PLEASE answer my newest question??(:

- ddo - 05-28-2013 03:53 AM

because 3years is a long time and he knows he got you and you will be back... so just let him go and dont contact him at all sorry but move on trust me he will realize and dcome back to you if you want him then play hard to get but if not just move on someone who will appreciate you.

- Fiddle Cat - 05-28-2013 03:54 AM

These articles should help you know what to do:

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And . . . a little texting advice: ** **

- tagboy - 05-28-2013 04:03 AM

Angel dry those tears it's not over but just beginning this chapter is over and a new one is about to begin. I know I've been there, I lived it and now my time is growing short I laughed , I cried, I hurt but have felt all the emotion in my body and it's your time to move forward. I did write a answer but to big so I had to do it over so to shorten it a bit, listen to some of life I worked with some greats and they taught me
how to love and cry and survive
This chapter of your live is over and a new one is about to begin. Live it, love it, embrace it.
I spent many years in show business and these people showed me how to feel, love and live on
Dry those tears your life is just starting make use of all the emotions in your body it will make you strong. I have learned so much over my lifetime and now my chapter is coming to and end and yours is about to begin Life is an illusion a long running soap opera and the cast of characters is which you chose.
Never stop loving, feeling even if it hurts. It's what makes you who you are. I'm now 69 and dying but I want you to remember this when your my age and I want you to look back and
I'm old tired but so glad I had the chance to do things some people only dream about I want you to
find your path thru it all
Oh dear, peace