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Why do people hate Justin Bieber ? - Seriannah - 06-12-2013 06:07 PM

I mean, it's not right. How could you hate a person you don't know personally? If you actually took the time to get to know him, you'd see he's an amazing person. He's had his fair share of hard times throughout his life. He wasn't born with a silver spoon. His mom only had him at 19. I don't get why people like to make mean jokes about him ad the media likes to make him look like a bad guy. He is a normal human being just like anyone else, only he is living his dreams. His music is great, and has meaning to it. He's really sweet, funny, smart, down to earth, and he ADORES his fans, even though they might be crazy sometimes. He's also very attractive and very talented as well. He gives back, and don't you DARE say that he doesn't. He works his ASS off for his fans. He worked his ass off to even get to where he is now. People say he isn't talented. Realy? If he wasn't talented, then Usher and Justin Timberlake would have never fought over him.. I love him, his music, and his personality. It's just not fair. People pick on him for no reason. Maybe if you met him, you wouldn't feel this way towards him. Yeah, he used to have a high voice. All boys go through that. Puberty just hit him at an older age. Like MJ. Now his voice is deep and attractive. I don't know why people say he looks like a girl. He doesn't look like a girl to me and everyone knows he isn't a girl. He DEFINITELY isn't gay. He's dated THREE girls. (Caitlin Beadles, Jasmine V, Selena Gomez) Honestly, I think some people hate on him just to be followers or just because they believe what they hear from television. The media is one of the WORST sources to trust. The media brainwashes people into assuming bad things about celebrities. Especially TMZ. They are just dead wrong for all the horrible rumors they have spread about Justin, making a lot of people think he's just this horrible guy and making it seem like he's supposed to be perfect, but he's not perfect. NO ONE IS. Yeah, he smoked weed. ONE FREAKING TIME. He's human !!! He apologized for it. People send him death threats, telling him to die. No one deserves that. How would you feel if you were in his shoes? I mean, it's okay not to like him. I know not everybody likes him, but there's really no reason to hate him. Even fans of Justin get hate. I like Justin Bieber and I'm not afraid to show it. I don't f*cking care what people think. He's an inspiration to me. I know he's not Jesus, and I don't act like he is. I just really support him like a true Belieber. It just saddens me that people are always on his case if he makes a TINY MISTAKE !! He's only human. If you're gonna hate on him, don't do it over the internet. That just starts a whole bunch of drama. It just seems like everything he does he gets judged on. Who cares what he does??? He's 19. He's growing up. People need to realize that. He's not the little kiddie Bieber with the high voice and the famous "mop top" hair do anymore. At least he's not wasting his life to drugs, gangs, and other criminal activities. Some people may think he's overrated, but he's really not. If you really listened to his music and watched his interviews and kept up with his Twitter and stuff, you would probably see why he is loved by more than 38,000,000 girls and even boys around the world. One Direction is almost more popular than him. To be honest, I really don't like 1D, but I don't HATE them. Maybe if people didn't talk so badly about him so much, then people would just admit that he's a cool guy. Okay, I'm done with this little rant. Please tell me what you think Smile
Thanks in advance Smile
@ComeAtMeBieberWinkWink Yeah, I know that. I'm just trying to prove that he isn't like as overrated as people think. 1D is almost up there with Justin but not as much. They probably never will be at the same level. I know my facts, lol.

- Ash Hole - 06-12-2013 06:20 PM

I don't hate anyone! I do find Justin Bieber, a jumped up, little twerp, however!

- David - 06-12-2013 06:36 PM

he's a piece of shit. never meant to be a celebrity.

- Supra Man - 06-12-2013 06:48 PM

I don't HATE him.

I just wish he'd shut the hell up and fade into obscurity already.
I'm tired of hearing seeing and reading all the sensationalist garbage around him, and his horridly bad, suicidal-thought-inducing pitch-corrected, no-writing retch.

- Time - 06-12-2013 06:56 PM

I don't hate him but his music is crap.

- henry - 06-12-2013 06:59 PM

cuz he's a f.u.c.k.i.n.g d.u.m.b.a.s.s he doesn't know sing

- Sol - 06-12-2013 07:13 PM

First of all, he's very rude , arrogant, cocky, and a sh*t singer...

- broadboot175 - 06-12-2013 07:29 PM

First off 1D isn't even close to being as popular as Bieber, get your facts straight please.

If you haven't notice the world is f-ed up. People judge others without knowing them that is the problem.

Justin is truly a good person at heart. But when he constantly has hate going on around him and people are saying disgusting things about well it can change a person. Fame changes a person to.

Like when he lashed at the Pap in the UK after the pap harassed him guess what, Justin gets the hate. A person can only take so much before they snap.

It's really rude how people call him a girl I mean what girl look and sounds like he does? Justin has feminine face that is the only 'girly' thing about him. He has grown up physically a lot.

Another thing how people say all his fans are 12 um no it isn't 2009 anymore. I know tons of adults who love Justin & are fans of him! My mom is one of them and I'm 18 and a big fan of him Smile

Justin grew up poor and taught himself how to play 4 instruments and actually wrote a few songs before he got famous like his hit song Baby.

I mean Baby isn't an amazing song like it isn't soul moving but his new songs are like: Yellow Raincoat, Just Like Them, I Would, and Fall << He wrote all of those but people refuse to see how talented he actually is.

I will never lose my respect for him because he has been through so much & hasn't broke down like Demi lovato has or Brittney Spears.

Long story short barely anyone thinks for themselves they have to follow people because it is 'cool'. People need to open their minds more honestly.