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Rumours about me and hate..? - Printable Version

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Rumours about me and hate..? - Lily - 07-14-2013 09:29 AM

Please, before you read this, don't judge meConfused Bascially, I won't use real names but I have a picture of me in tight shorts with half my bum hanging out around School. The other night I was tired and a little tipsy so I was talking to my mate and he sent me a picture of him topless as we previously went to the beach together and everyone else who went were all joking around and singing the song ''get your tits out'' to him to get him to take his top off. So I did it on facebook to him and he sent me a picture, hahaha! It was quite funny and then i spoke to my other mate and he asked me who i fancy and I jokingly sent him that photo as I found it quite funny and I had a crush on him, but then he uploaded it and I was so angry. I spent ages begging him to take it down, half an hour atleast but eventually, he did. But then my other friend (who sent me the picture) found out I sent it but not that I spent ages persuading him to delete it so he sent him (shall I say now, the person I sent to picture of my mate topless is my ex) the picture of me when I was tipsy. He has now showed it to everyone round the school and everywhere I go I get called a slut and slag. I can't take it anymore and my dad works in the school and is super strict around these things and I'm scared he's going to find out. Please help me as I do not what to do about it, I actually cried at Lunch about it and looked like a big baby. :'( thank you! xxx

- Rebecccaaxox3 - 07-14-2013 09:44 AM

You pulled an Amanda Todd move.

- Elias - 07-14-2013 09:49 AM

say the truth if you don't things are going to get uglier your dad might help you ! if you need someone to talk to he is here for you he is your dad he is never going to hurt you.
if you still need something don't forget to ask me I am there for you.

- Latf La - 07-14-2013 09:57 AM

it was nt a topless pic of you? right?

let me get the story right b4 i try to ans.

- Lydia - 07-14-2013 10:07 AM

SCHOOL SUCKS. Sadly, there's going to be rumours and bullying and hating at school, there's no way of getting around it. It's a horrible thing but that's the society we live in. Just keep your head high, if they make jokes, asking you to get naked or whatever, just smirk and tell them that they wish, or in their dreams. Laugh at the people making fun of you/ slagging you off, asking if they've really got nothing better to do, then say you feel sorry for them if that's all they've got to do. If they take joy out of other peoples pain, it makes them sick.

In my opinion, that's the best way to make it through this, people will get bored of it and leave it eventually anyway

- Beth - 07-14-2013 10:12 AM

I don't entirely understand your point but I get the point there's a picture of you which you're been bullied for and you don't want your dad to find out- well I think you should personally, just face up to your mistakes and tell a teacher, if you tell a teacher before they find out they are much more likely to not judge and understand your side of the situation more which will be a big help for you, your dad is proberbly going to find out one way or another so why don't you sit down with him and just cry your eyes out infront of him saying how regretful you are, this way he is more likely to understand and sympathise for you. You're still likely to get into trouble but if you make the first move, I gurantee you'll be in less trouble and won't be as judges by family and teachers, and maybe the students will stop bothering you as they realised how upset you were. I hope it works out for you! Good luck, Beth x

- Nuttayy - 07-14-2013 10:28 AM

you could press charges for cyber bullying & harassement..