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Facebook won`t let me change my relationship status? - Printable Version

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Facebook won`t let me change my relationship status? - ConfussedT33n - 07-14-2013 09:00 PM

Facebook won`t let me change my Relationship status , I went to "About-Relationships-then Changed it to "in a relationship" and it wouldn`t save . My Friend Tried to Send me A Marriage Request And It said I Already have pending relationship requests .
Help Sad I`m Super Frustrated. When I set it to "in a relationship" I didn't put anyones name , I just left it blank .
I Checked My Requests & I Have None Sad

- Varghese Paul - 07-14-2013 09:15 PM

try it from a different pc or mobile.. might work...

- Osomapto - 07-14-2013 09:18 PM

don't worry. its temporary problem.

- Jojo - 07-14-2013 09:34 PM

lol!! lodge an case in court against mark zuckerberg Tongue

- Daniel - 07-14-2013 09:50 PM

Check the Requests Area See if its In there And Tell her to Check Hers As Well if Neither of you Got a Request than its a Error With Facebook Please Contact Facebook at the Help Center and Report the Problem To Them

- Akash - 07-14-2013 10:03 PM

The change is not done just when you set it... your partner will get a request and accept the relation request... then your status will be changed...