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How Does one Not Procrasinate all The Time? - Printable Version

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How Does one Not Procrasinate all The Time? - KidkID Moe - 10-12-2012 03:46 PM

I say i want to be a better person but i keep delaying...and then one minute i want to get better then next..i don't want to i like staying to myself...I'm not the social type i have problems with Self esteem and i have adhd and anxiety and bipolar..and i never was really motivated...because when it came to being pro active...i felt like i didn't fit in or Was trying to fit in....and its like when i think about really going to school as in college its like do i want to really take up theater to better my self so i can become a better talker but acting does interest always did i never just took it in high i've done it but had stage fright or felt cheesy...and til this day im interested in it like when i go to plays i just get that feeling like could i do that and i just get inspration to want to do it...but when it comes to actually going to sign up at a community college for it i back out and tell myself ill do it tomarrow...and even when my mom tells me i need to learn a trade and go to a trade school instead of trying to do acting at 23years old...because during high school in the mornings i went to a voltech school and took up carpentry because i loved working with my hands...and at the time i thought it was a volcational school as in like a school for media arts or whatever you wanted to get into and go into that field....after high school...but yeah i took up carpentry because i liked doing it..and you would make good money...and now its like i have no job...and am i wasting my life my still pondering for the last 4years

- dan - 10-12-2012 03:54 PM

First thing in the morning I make a list of what I want to accomplish in the day. At the end of the list is something I really am looking forward to. I do the list in it's order so I can get the reward that is at the bottom of the list. It works. My list is finished for today and now I am playing on the web.

- Dirk - 10-12-2012 03:54 PM

One ends up in a situation where one has to support one self without the help of ones parents.

Things look different when you have to pay your own bills.